Deadline Extended for Springfield boards, committees, and commissions


Deadline extended to October 6 for Budget Committee, Historic Commission, Planning Commission, and Police Advisory Committee

The City is seeking dedicated community members who want to offer their talents, experience, and perspectives to help make a difference in the Springfield. Community members are needed for a variety of Springfield boards, committees, and commission opportunities. Applications are available by visiting the City’s website at

The Springfield City Council goals include fostering an environment that values diversity and inclusion. Springfield is a diverse community, individuals of all ages, ethnic and religious backgrounds, gender, and sexual orientation are encouraged to apply.

The deadline to apply for any of the boards, committees, and commissions is 5 p.m. on Friday, October 6, 2023. Applicants are asked to complete and submit their application electronically, if possible, and email it to or deliver a hard copy to the City Manager’s Office located at 225 5th Street, Suite 401, Springfield, OR 97477.

Applicants will be interviewed during the months of October and November 2023 by the Springfield City Council during one of the four Work Sessions scheduled. Dates and times to be announced.

The City is seeking applications for one open position on the Springfield Budget Committee, and one open position on the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) Budget Committee.

Applicants are being sought to represent Ward 3 and the SEDA Glenwood district. Please visit to see a Ward map.

  • One position is open to Ward 3 residents. The person appointed will serve a three-year term that will expire on December 31, 2026.

  • One position is open to SEDA Glenwood. The person appointed will serve a three-year term which will expire on December 31, 2026.

The Budget Committee reviews the City’s financial plans, including the annual budget. The 12-member committee is comprised of the six elected City Councilors and six members from the community. Appointed by the City Council, each of the committee’s six community members must live in the ward they represent. Meetings are typically held between April and June, but the committee may also meet on an “as needed” basis.

SEDA Budget Committee is comprised of the 12 members of the City of Springfield’s Budget Committee along with the Springfield area County Commissioner, and a representative from both the Glenwood and Downtown districts. Appointed by the City Council, each representative must own a business or live within the Glenwood or downtown area. Meetings are typically held between April and June, but the committee may also meet on an “as needed” basis.

Additional Information: Finance Director, Nathan Bell at

The City is accepting applications to fill one open position on the Historic Commission. The qualifications for membership on the Historic Commission include being appointees of Willamalane Park & Recreation District or Springfield School District #19; or individuals who meet professional qualifications in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, archeology, or related fields who live within the Metropolitan Area General Plan boundaries; or residents, electors, or property owners within Springfield.

  • The candidate appointed to this position is eligible to serve up to two, four-year terms.   

The Springfield Historic Commission is appointed by the City Council and serves to advance the identification, protection, preservation, education, and interpretation of Springfield’s cultural heritage and history.  As such, the Commission organizes projects and programs to encourage stewardship of the community’s historic assets. The Commission also reviews development and restoration requests within the Washburne Historic District and for other Springfield historic resources.  Historic Commission monthly meetings are currently held on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 4:30-6 p.m. Meeting details can be found at   

Additional Information: Senior Planner, Tom Sievers at 541.726.2333 or

The City of Springfield is accepting applications for one position on its seven-member Planning Commission. The position being filled is a partial term, beginning January 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2025. 

Planning Commissioners make final decisions on a variety of land use matters including zone changes, variances, and discretionary use requests. The Commission also advises the City Council on legislative matters such as comprehensive plan amendments; transportation and infrastructure planning; and amendments to the Springfield Development Code. The Commission serves as the City’s Committee for Citizen Involvement to support and enhance the opportunities for citizens to understand and become involved with the development and implementation of policies that direct and regulate the use, re-use, and development of land within the urban growth boundary.

The Planning Commission meets the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month. See for more information about these meetings. See to learn more about the charge and membership of the Commission.

Additional information: Comprehensive Planning Manager, Sandy Belson at 541.736.7135 or or Administrative Specialist, Sarah Weaver at 541.726.3653 or

The City is seeking applications to fill one volunteer position, specifically the Cultural Minority Community position. The police advisory committee consists of four neighborhood citizen-at-large representatives, one local business community representative, one cultural minority representative, one faith community representative, one School District 19 representative, and one Willamalane Parks and Recreation District representative. Committee appointments are for a four-year term.

The nine-member police advisory committee was initially established in 1994 as the Police Planning Task Force to develop a long-range plan for providing police services. A plan was completed and adopted by City Council in April 1996 and updated in 2002 and 2010. To date, much of the long-range plan has been Springfield Municipal Jail. The committee has continued for the purpose of providing citizen input to the Chief of Police on long range planning, plan implementation strategies and development of police department operational policies and procedures. The committee generally meets on the first Thursday of every other month.

Additional Information: Management Analyst, Tiffany Monroe at 541.726.3721 or
