Lane SBDC Offers New Benefits to Springfield Chamber Members

Submitted by Robert Killen, Lane SBDC
Contact: 541-463-6206
Springfield, OR, September 1 – Business owners who have ready access to information, training and mentorship are far more likely to attain the success they seek than those without it. With this in mind your Springfield Chamber and the Lane Small Business Development Center (SBDC) have joined forces to strengthen educational opportunities for member businesses. These opportunities are being made available in the form of customized programming for the Chamber, increased awareness of available SBDC programming and a standing 10% discount for Chamber members participating in those programs.
“I am very excited to be able to offer something special to local Chamber members. Every time we help strengthen a local business we also improve the vitality of our community,” says Robert Killen, Lane SBDC Director. Chamber CEO Vonnie Mikkelsen echoed that thought, saying “We are thrilled to be partnering with the SBDC. It furthers our commitment to our members by providing small business owners and managers the knowledge and training they need to strengthen and grow their business.”
Some of these benefits will be delivered as broadened programming. Others will come as part of the Chamber’s online communications. To take advantage of the member discount, look for an exclusive Chamber Coupon Code in your email or call the Chamber for information.
The Lane SBDC, a program of Lane Community College and supported by the SBA and Business Oregon, provides free one-to-one advising for owners of for-profit businesses along with classes covering a wide array of business topics and ranging from a single one-hour session to a three-year management cohort. The SBDC also offers specialized services for businesses seeking advice on accessing capital ($), going global, bringing new products to market, and more.

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Max Molzahn at the Springfield Chamber at 541-746-1651 or email