March Issue: Workforce

This month’s Bottom Line focus is on Workforce. Featured inside are articles on employee engagement, multigenerational workforce, leadership development, and the Springfield Chamber’s talent pipeline program #WorkReady, which is in full gear this month and in April. Look for a great opportunity to engage with our future’s workforce through Career Connect and Middle School Career Day.
Inside the Issue
Featured Content
- Generational Diversity a Distinct Advantage
- #WorkReady Named Outstanding Chamber Program
- Tips on Employee Engagement
- Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Adopts State Legislative Priorities 2020
- Springfield Leadership Workshop 2020
Business News
- Resources and information on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-9) from the Oregon Health Authority
- Johnson Crushers International Donates $20,000 of Equipment to Springfield Public Schools
- Finalists Announced for Local Transportation BEST Awards
- St Paddy’s Pre-Funk: 5th Street Public Market
- Katherine Moyer Becomes Partner with Hershner Hunter, LLP
- Architecture Firm Re-Named: Nir Pearlson Architect Becomes Aligned Architecture
- PeaceHealth National Patient Safety Week
- Heartfelt House Honored with two American Institute of Architects Eugene People’s Choice Awards
- Applicants Sought for Historic Commission
- PeaceHealth Oregon honors caregivers receiving health coach certification, gifts scholarships to the community
- JCI GM Announcement Agg & Mining Group
- Voluntary visitation restrictions in effect at PeaceHealth Oregon hospitals and clinics
- Main Street Safety Project Update 3-4-20: Online Open House #2 Live
Chamber News
Events & Programs
Check out last month’s issue HERE
(February Issue: Community)