Main Street Safety Project Update 3-4-20: Online Open House #2 Live

Main Street Springfield Safety Project

Yesterday, the project team has launched the second online open house for the project. This online open house will gather feedback from the community to inform which possible infrastructure elements are preferred to address safety problem on Main Street. The possible infrastructure elements being considered include raised medians, intersection control, bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian facilities, and Enhanced Corridor transit.

You can participate by watching two videos, reviewing information about each possible infrastructure element and responding to questions about each element. You can spend as much time as you want to learn about each infrastructure element, explore linked information, and provide your feedback. On average, it will take approximately 15 minutes to view the videos and fill out the questions. Your feedback is important to the success of the project and we encourage you to participate! The online open house will be available through April 13, 2020.

Go to the Online Open House #2

We would also appreciate your support by forwarding the online open house to others interested in Main Street to help provide decision makers with the community input necessary for making informed decisions regarding the future of Main Street.

Stay Informed

If you know others who would like to be informed about the Main Street Safety Project and receive email updates, please send them to this link to sign up:

For additional information please visit

Project Contact

Molly Markarian 
Main Street Safety Project
Project Manager

Project Purpose

Springfield’s Main Street is consistently ranked as one of the most unsafe city streets in Oregon based on the severity and frequency of traffic crashes. The Oregon Department of Transportation and the City must address this problem to save lives, reduce injuries, and lessen property damage due to crashes. The purpose of the Main Street Safety Project is to select infrastructure solutions that will make Main Street safer for people walking, biking, driving, and taking transit.

The selected safety improvements will provide for the movement of goods and people, support the economic viability of the corridor, accommodate current bus service and future transit solutions, and complement traffic safety education and enforcement.
