Standing Up in Challenging Times: Annual MLK Celebration Set for January 16


Join the Springfield Alliance for Equity and Respect on Monday, January 16th, 2023 for the annual MLK March and Celebration!

The 25th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. March and Celebration celebrates the religious leader, orator, and civil rights activist by showcasing the achievements and talents of local K-12 students through their entries of essays, speeches, poetry, and art. The theme for this year’s event is “Standing Up in Challenging Times.”

All community members and visitors are invited and encouraged to attend! This event is FREE and open to the public, will be wheelchair accessible, and will have Spanish-language interpretation available.


MLK March for Justice and Equality | 1:00pm
Springfield Justice Center at 230 4th Street, Springfield
March begins at 1:00pm with welcoming remarks from Springfield Mayor Sean VanGordon

Reception for Student Art | 1:30pm
Springfield High School (Cafeteria), 875 7th Street, Springfield
Featuring instrumental jazz from Eric Richardson’s Invisible Arts Project

MLK Celebration Program | 2:00-3:30pm
Springfield High School (Auditorium), 875 7th Street, Springfield
Featuring music from Springfield High School’s Mariachi del Sol, Two Rivers/Dos Rios Elementary’s Rockin’ Otters, and keynote speakers featuring high school speech contest winners.

This FREE, family event is organized by Springfield Alliance for Equity and Respect (SAfER), a program of Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC), with co-sponsorship from Springfield Public Schools, City of Springfield, Springfield Police Department, Willamalane Parks and Recreation District, Springfield Education Foundation, Papa’s Pizza, Lane County Commissioner Heather Buch, former Lane County Commissioner Joe Berney, Oregon Community Credit Union, SELCO, and Springfield Education Association.

Please visit the event website for more information.

About Springfield Alliance for Equity and Respect (SAfER):
The Springfield Alliance for Equity and Respect is a program of the Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC) formed in 1997. SAfER is the only grassroots social justice group based in Springfield, and its leadership is provided by people who live in Springfield. SAfER’s mission is to promote human rights, respond when abuses of human dignity occur, and urge public institutions to address social justice concerns. SAfER is committed to immigrant rights and racial justice, LGBTQ rights, and the right to shelter.
