Upcoming Fall Forests Today & Forever Events


October 3: Family Forest Field Days

Middle School students (6th-8th grade) and their families are invited to visit a third generation working tree farm located just 35 minutes from downtown Eugene. During this two-hour event, families rotate through engaging and active learning stations where they meet forest professionals and learn about how forests are managed for timber while protecting the forest resources we all treasure. This is a fun family event in the woods, where families can hike a forest trail, take in the fresh forest air, and have a great time! All participating children take home give-away prizes. 

Limit 5 families per session, 2 sessions offered on October 3: 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm. REGISTRATION REQUIRED by emailing coordinator@foreststodayandforever.org or call 541-554-1342.

October 17: Explore a Working Forest Public Tour

Ready for a nearby adventure that offers beautiful views and fresh forest air? Join us for a guided hike through a working forest while physically distancing on Saturday, October 17 from 9-1pm. This is a great opportunity to see forestry in action right in your back yard. Located just outside of Eugene, the 675-acre Bauman Tree Farm is a third generation working forest that is sustainably managed for wood production while protecting water, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities. Bring your questions and curiosity as we take you on a hiking tour that highlights how forests are managed to meet the public’s demand for wood products while protecting the resources we all treasure. The hike concludes with a boxed lunch in a beautiful meadow. Expect door prizes and give-aways! The entire program is outdoors; physical distancing will be observed; masks are encouraged. 

Registration is required by emailing coordinator@foreststodayandforever.org, or call 541-554-1342. This program is hosted in partnership by Forests Today & Forever and Oregon Women in Timber.

October 24: Family Forest Field Days

Middle School students (6th-8th grade) and their families are invited to visit a third generation working tree farm located just 35 minutes from downtown Eugene. During this two-hour event, families rotate through engaging and active learning stations where they meet forest professionals and learn about how forests are managed for timber while protecting the forest resources we all treasure. This is a fun family event in the woods, where families can hike a forest trail, take in the fresh forest air, and have a great time! All participating children take home give-away prizes. 

Limit 5 families per session, 2 sessions offered on October 24: 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm. REGISTRATION REQUIRED by emailing coordinator@foreststodayandforever.org or call 541-554-1342.

Forests Today & Forever promotes forest stewardship through education.
We offer experiential programs for youth and adults, using working tree farms and other managed forests in our region.  We seek to connect people to Oregon’s forests, and instill an appreciation and understanding of forest management.
