Springfield A to Z Alphabet Book Available for Pre-Order

Order through the Friends of Springfield Public Library for 20% off list price
Springfield Public Library and Springfield History Museum are thrilled to announce their alphabet book, Springfield A to Z, is now available for pre-order through the Friends of the Springfield Public Library’s online bookstore. The book retails for $24.95, but shoppers can order their copies for 20% off list price ($19.95) exclusively through the Friends’ store. Shoppers will be notified when their copies are ready for pick-up and can expect them to be available no later than July 19, 2022.
About the book: Join Springfield Public Library and Springfield History Museum in a celebration of art, history, and community. This curated collection of historic photographs and artwork, created by local artists of all ages, showcases the city of Springfield, Oregon from A to Z. Whether long-time residents or first-time visitors, readers young and old will enjoy strolling through the pages of this fully bilingual alphabet book. All profits directly support Library and Museum programs and events through the Friends of the Springfield Public Library.
What: Springfield A to Z Alphabet Book Available for Pre-Order
When: ongoing
Where: https://friends-of-the-springfield-public-library-inc.square.site/
Additional Information: Taylor Worley (she/her), Youth Services Librarian, Springfield Public Library, tworley@springfield-or.gov, 541.726.2243