Pictured Above: John Doty, Citizens Bank, LES Steering Committee Chair
and Hayley Radich, Travel Lane County, LES Steering Committee Co-Chair
Leadership Eugene Springfield has a long heritage covering a broad base of topics and providing knowledge and information to developing leaders in our community. While the foundation of the program is consistent from year to year, the program, the steering committee and the cohort must adapt, adjust and change to community priorities and other matters. Needless to say, we have had to pivot significant in 2020.
To date, the monthly, one day, in person sessions have been divided up into two half day virtual meetings. Yes, we have contributed to the Zoom boom…
As we are unable to meet in venues or hold field trips that provide additional perspective to our discussions. Adaptability has been the keyword during the pandemic. The 2020-2021 LES cohort and Steering Committee have done a great job of adapting to the online format. It has forced us to re-evaluate and think outside of the box.

The Steering Committee has gotten creative by adding ways to encourage engagement during the online classes – like adding a Bingo card that gives points for asking a question or connecting with a classmate. Those who complete the card are entered into a drawing for a prize.
We have also found that the format has likely allowed us to have presenters who might not otherwise be able to join an in person meeting. For example, Shemia Fagan, the new Oregon Secretary of State was able to join the group for the Government Leaders Day. Her presentation and delivery were refreshing and engaging, resulting in some of the highest individual survey results I have seen in 5+ years. …I do not think she could have joined us in person due to time constraints.
The cohort still has a project that impacts the community. They have split into smaller groups than in a normal year and are tackling some hard issues like COVID impacts, racial injustice, and homelessness. Halfway through, they are making good headway and we are excited to see what they come up with at the end of the year.
The 2020-2021 cohort is managing any and all adjustments with the most positive attitudes and remain inquisitive and challenging (in a positive way). We are looking for ways to have smaller groups meet informally and keep our eye on the opportunity to meet in person as soon as possible. Until then, we will Zoom ahead with the LES program.