Emerald Art Center Seeks Nominations for its Board of Directors

The Emerald Empire Art Association conducts annual elections for board members, and is currently calling for nominations for its board of directors. They are seeking individuals with an interest in supporting a visual arts organization, and have a growing knowledge in finance, fund development, communications, graphic design, arts education, public policy, and/or arts administration.
This is a one-year commitment, renewable annually. The nominee will be a member of the Emerald Art Center and willing to chair one or more programs of the organization. The board meets on the second Tuesday of each month, 12:00-2:00pm, via Zoom or at the Emerald Art Center. Your annual membership will be sponsored by a Board Member.
Would you be interested in serving on our Board of Directors in 2023? Interested candidates are to submit a letter of interest and a bio by November 15th, to:
- The Art Center Director at: director@emeraldartcenter.net
- 1st Vice President on the Board of Directors at: malexisjordan@comcast.net.
For more information about being on the board of directors for a non-profit visual arts organization, please see the Strategic Plan Executive Summary that highlights the goals of the Emerald Art Center, and a list of the Programs and Activities offered each year.