
Please mark your calendar and participate in the upcoming online Lane County Bicycle Master Plan open house beginning March 8 and ending on March 22. 

Help us understand your experience using Lane County’s rural roads and paved paths through the project’s online interactive mapping tool.

Want more to explore? A live session with the planners is available on March 16 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please visit the Events page on to join the live conversation.

Lane County is developing its first ever Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) with the vision to make: 

Bicycling a viable regional transportation option throughout Lane County for people of all ages and abilities, linking communities to destinations and services, and connecting where we live, work, and play.

This effort focuses on Lane County’s rural roads and its paved paths outside of the Eugene-Springfield urban area. As an amendment to the Lane County Transportation System Plan, the BMP will go before the Lane County Board of Commissioners for adoption with recommendations to improve the:

  • SAFETY AND COMFORT for people who bike and all roadway users.
  • CONNECTIVITY of regional bicycling between rural communities and the urban area.
  • EQUITY of access to convenient, safe, and affordable means of transportation.
  • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT opportunities for bicycle tourism related businesses.
  • PUBLIC HEALTH benefits from expanded active transportation.

To learn more about the planning process, schedule, review the bi-lingual fact sheet and sign up for e-updates, please visit Lane County Bicycle Master Plan or contact the BMP project manager, Becky Taylor, at or 541-682-6932.
