Lane County seeks community input on developing Climate Action Plan


Online survey open until September 30 for public to share ideas on priorities and planning process

Lane County is creating a Climate Action Plan to better understand how the County and its residents can help prepare for and address climate change. The County seeks community input to help with this planning.

Lane County began a three-phase approach to developing a Climate Action Plan in 2019 by conducting an internal Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and developing an internal operations Climate Action Plan. The County is now beginning the second phase of this work – conducting a county-wide greenhouse gas inventory and developing a countywide plan that will outline goals and strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The third phase of the project will develop a resiliency plan that will identify strategies that can mitigate the impacts of climate change on Lane County.

“We would like to hear from our community members as we start the second phase,” said Lane County Analyst Mark Nystrom. “How do they want to participate? What are their priorities and ideas? We can’t create a successful plan unless our residents help us build it and ensure that it reflects the priorities of our community.” 

Community members can share their input through an online survey until September 30. The survey is available at

In the coming months, there will be further opportunities for community members to share their ideas about the plan. This will include the opportunity to suggest and discuss specific actions the County might include.
