Summer Roundtable Series Brings Springfield’s Public Infrastructure and Road Development to Forefront


The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce‘s monthly Chamber Roundtable program fosters interactive discussions on legislation and policy, community and economic development, and workforce and talent. This summer, the Chamber combined three of their monthly Roundtable programs into the Summer Roundtable Series: The Life Cycle of a Pothole, focusing on the crucial aspects of public infrastructure and road development in Springfield, from start to finish.

The June Roundtable took a close look at ASTEC, a local manufacturer of heavy equipment used to procure the raw materials of road-building; the July program, which included a tour of RiverBend Materials, focused on the manufacture of these raw materials into construction-ready materials; and the third and final program, just last week, explored the prioritization and details of current City of Springfield road projects, as well as the recently passed road bond.

Threaded throughout all three discussions were issues of vital importance to local and regional business, including workforce challenges and training, supply chain issues, the constant influx of new technologies, and regulatory factors, just to name a few. See below for the highlights of the Summer Roundtable Series.

Summer Roundtable Series: The Life Cycle of a Pothole
Part 1: Manufacturing the Tools of the Trade

June 25, 2024
Location: Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce

In Part 1 of the Summer Roundtable Series, attendees heard from local ASTEC leadership about the manufacturing industry discussing workforce, supply chain, and regulatory factors that impact their industry – and got an up-close look at some of their incredible equipment.

Avril Watt, General Manager of ASTEC, unveiled the intricate process of manufacturing rock crushing equipment, some of the complexities of supply chain management, workforce challenges, and regulatory landscapes in the industrial sector. This session represented the beginning of the infrastructure creation process, providing the foundation for understanding the machinery crucial to road construction and maintenance.

Summer Roundtable Series: The Life Cycle of a Pothole
Part 2: From Rock to Road
July 23, 2024

Location: RiverBend Materials

In Part 2, the program shifted its focus to the construction/aggregate industry, and how the materials needed for vital infrastructure are processed and transported to work sites. Attendees hopped on a bus, courtesy of Lane Transit District, and got a tour of RiverBend Materials, where they saw some of that rock crushing equipment in action. Back at the training site, some attendees even got an opportunity to take a turn on state-of-the-art training simulators and test out their truck driving skills.

In addition, this program provided a rare and up-close look at how RiverBend is investing in workforce training and development – from teacher externships to CDL training – and how their team is dedicated to fostering enduring partnerships within the community. In addition, Stacy Tuers, a District CTE TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment) with Springfield Public Schools, led an informative Q&A session about Career Technical Education – specifically, how important it is to get the word out to students about career opportunities in the trades.

Summer Roundtable Series: The Life Cycle of a Pothole
Part 3: The Road Ahead

August 27, 2024
Location: Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce/Mill Street Construction Site

Part 3 delved into the current and future infrastructure projects shaping our city, with a special emphasis on the recently passed road bond. Attendees learned about the intricate processes involved in roads and infrastructure maintenance and improvement, and discovered the latest technologies being tested locally.

Two experienced engineers from the City of Springfield explained how considerations for business and industry road use influenced the selection of priority infrastructure improvement projects. Additionally, they shed light on the regulatory landscape and its impact on planning and costs for road infrastructure improvement. The program concluded with a walking tour of the Mill Street construction site, offering a firsthand look at the ongoing efforts to enhance our city’s transportation network.

The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce would like to thank ASTEC, RiverBend Materials, Springfield Public Schools, City of Springfield, all our partners and volunteers, and the attendees that made this program a resounding success.

More about Chamber Roundtable
The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce‘s monthly Chamber Roundtable Series fosters interactive discussions on legislation and policy, community and economic development, and workforce and talent. Quarterly, these Roundtables will be coupled with an on-location business tour exploring some of the many unique industry leaders throughout the Springfield area.
