Pacific Northwest International Section Conference Coming to Eugene in November


Pacific Northwest International Section Conference is a catalyst for environmental leadership by providing a neutral forum for discussion, education, and networking on technical issues relating to environmental management in the U.S., Pacific Northwest, and Western Canada. The Mission of the Air & Waste Management Association is to assist in the professional development and critical environmental decision-making of our members to benefit society. The core Purpose of A&WMA is to improve environmental knowledge and decisions by providing a neutral forum for exchanging information.

Registration and hotel reservation links are now live.
Early Registration Discount Ends October 1. Register today!

Full conference registration prices increase $50 on October 1st. Take advantage of early bird pricing before then. Full registration includes access to the Exhibitors Reception, the President’s Luncheon, the Gala, and the Awards luncheon. 

You can also register for the Professional Development Course and the Fun Run from the registration site.

Stay at the amazing Graduate Hotel! King and Two Queen Rooms are available at the special conference rate of $149 before taxes and fees. The conference room rate applies to rooms before and after the conference, as well. The rate covers rooms booked from November 10th – 18th. The cutoff date to book rooms at the discounted rate is October 18th. Reserve your room today!
