Lane County Board of Commissioners Calls Emergency Meeting


The Lane County Board of Commissioners Agenda for an Emergency Meeting scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on January 16, 2024, is now available for viewing. To view the current agenda, click the link below.

Agenda for the week of January 16, 2024  

At this time, there are several ways to participate or view Board of Commissioners meetings.  You may attend the Board of Commissioners meeting in person in Harris Hall, you may register to participate virtually in the public comment section of the meeting, you may submit written comments which will be linked to the weekly agenda, or you can watch the board meeting without making any comment.  Each process is outlined below:

To attend the Board of Commissioners meeting in person:
Board of Commissioner meetings begin at 9:00 a.m. in Harris Hall unless otherwise noted. Doors to Harris Hall open at 8:45 a.m.  If you wish to participate in public comment in person, please make sure to sign up on the sign in sheet located by the entry door.  Speakers will be taken in the order they sign up.

To register to speak virtually during public comment or scheduled public hearings:
Please use the links below if you wish to participate in the virtual public comment portion of the meeting. As a participant, your phone and webcam will be automatically muted, however, the board will be providing the opportunity for speakers during the public comment portion of the morning meeting. During the public comment portion of the meeting, participants will be asked to raise their virtual hand to be recognized to speak.  When their name is called, their microphone will be unmuted, and they will be given a specified amount of time for their public comment.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 5:00 p.m.
Board of County Commissioners Meeting: Emergency Afternoon Session 
To watch the live stream of the morning session, click here to register to watch the live webinar. 

To submit written comment:
If you wish to submit written comment, please send an email to by no later than noon, the day before the scheduled meeting. In the email subject line please include: PUBLIC COMMENT FOR MEETING DATE MM/DD/YYYY. These emails will be compiled and will be included on the Board Agenda with a view material link.  Please note, all emails submitted will be public record.

To watch the current Board of Commissioners meeting:
If you do not want to participate in public comment but you want to watch the meeting, you can watch the live stream of the meeting here no registration is required to watch the live webcast.
