Ice Storms 2024: Restoration, Public Safety UPDATES

The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce is monitoring updates from the city, schools, utilities, and other pertinent partners and resources on this page. Phone and internet service has been restored to the Chamber Depot and Visitor’s Center, and we are now OPEN FOR BUSINESS and maintaining regular office hours (8:30am – 5:00pm). Please continue to relay information and/or inquiries through our normal channels. Keep checking back here for updates, share info with family, friends, and business associates, and continue to stay safe.
[UPDATED Wednesday, January 24, 9:00pm]
Another great day of progress, with crews spanning across the city to get power to more customers. Power restored today at:
– Centennial to Quinalt between 5th Street and Market Street
– South of Quinalt to Centennial from 5th Street to Carter Lane
– S. 79th Street area
– South of Thurston Rd between 67th Place and 68th Place
– 54th and E Street area
– East of 16th to 21st from E Street south to Main Street
– Some additional customers on the north (47th) and south side of Jasper Rd near Clearwater Lane are restored
– East Pioneer Parkway to 19th and Hwy 105 to the McKenzie River
– 26th and G/Dubens Lane area
– Flamingo to Cardinal and Oriole to Game Farm
– Main Street to Centennial and East Pioneer Parkway to 15th Street
Areas we worked at today that we will be returning to tomorrow:
– 42nd and Olympic area will be restored tomorrow morning
– Willamette Heights restoration tomorrow
– Deadmond Ferry area in process
We say it every night, and we mean it every night – thank you so much for the gift of your patience! We’ll post again in the morning to share those areas we’ll be visiting in addition to those listed above.
[Wednesday, January 24, 8:30pm] Power Forecast: We expect power to be restored to MOST customers by this weekend. As always, power at individual homes and businesses (individual services) that have damage or other issues will likely take longer. For more on our updated restoration forecast, click here.
[Tuesday, January 23, 8:30am] We got a lot of customers back on yesterday and look forward to more progress to report this evening. Again, if you don’t see your street on this list, YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN. We will not stop until EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER has their power back. Your extraordinary patience as we work our way through this unprecedented damage is appreciated!
We know that being without power, or not seeing your neighborhood on the work plan yet, is frustrating. Please know that we are working as swiftly as safely possible, and PLEASE KNOW THAT NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND. Every single home and business WILL HAVE their power restored. Thank you again for your incredible patience as we navigate this together.
[Wednesday, January 24, 8:30am] Crews have headed out to today’s work areas, and they continue to make great progress restoring power across the city.
**If you are in one of these areas, crews request that you leave a porch light or other visible outdoor light on. This helps them as they assess the repair work.
– S. 79th Street area
– South of Thurston Rd between 67th Place and 68th Place
– 54th and E Street area
– East of 16th to 21st from E Street working south
– South of Hayden Bridge along 5th Street to the highway area
– 42nd and Olympic area
– South of Quinalt to Centennial and between 5th street and 14th street are
– South side of Jasper Road and west of Clearwater Lane area
– S. 4th and Quarry Road for customers in Willamette Heights area
We know its frustrating if your area is not listed, but WE WILL NOT STOP until every customer has power. We thank you all for your extraordinary patience.
[Tuesday, January 23, 8:30am]
SUB and mutual aid crews have rolled out for the morning work! You’ll see crews in the following areas today, working to get power restored:
– Centennial south to Main Street between 8th and 14th
– Continuing work n the West Centennial area
– Pioneer Parkway to 19th north of Hwy 126
– Crew will be starting on pole replacements at S. 4th and Quarry Road and working to restore customers on Willamette Heights
– S. 79th has two crews working to rebuild down poles and wire, estimating 2 more days
– Crew working through Thurston on the north side of Main Street from Hwy 126 to 72nd street
Work continues today at:
– Agnes Steward Middle School and S. 28th street
– Jasper Road and S. 47th area
– 42nd and Olympic
– Briggs Middle School (Corral Drive/Ranch Drive)
– West Centennial area
[Monday, January 22, 9:00pm]
Another big day with significant power restoration across Springfield, getting customers – and traffic lights – back on. SUB has also secured additional resources so we can keep pushing forward, with another 4-person crew coming tomorrow to replace one that will leave this week, and a second 4-person crew coming on Thursday.
Here is today’s progress:
Power Restorations
– N. 32nd and 33rd between B Street and the railroad
– North side of Hayden Bridge between Villa and Harvest Lane
– Thurston Hills from S. 67th to S. 73rd
– Anderson Lane to Aspen, Centennial to the south side of Menlo Loop
– 16th to 20th between E and I Street
– G Street and 14th
– 63rd and Main Street east of Thurston High School
– BPA right-of-way to 60th Street and Main Street to Thurston Road
– 54th and E from Hwy 126 to Main Street
– Restored all traffic signals on the City of Springfield’s list of outages
– Agnes Stewart Middle School and S. 28th street – Expected to be restored tomorrow
Still in process
– Corral Drive/Ranch Drive (Briggs Middle School) – In process
– S. 79th rebuild – In process
– 42nd and Olympic – In process
– S. 47 and Jasper Road area – In process, expect to restore north side tomorrow
After our early morning planning meeting tomorrow, we will post our daily work plan so you will know where we will be headed. Because of the extensive damage to our system, we share daily work plans, rather than a longer forecast, so we can provide the most accurate information possible.
[Monday, January 22, 8:00am]
SUB reports great progress by all their crews yesterday, who were able to report some late-night restorations:
– Pioneer Parkway to 10th Street between E and F
– South of Centennial along Water Street
– 58th and High Banks mobile home area
This morning, crews are already rolling to more areas with the following work plan, ready to get more customers up and running. SUB will report back on their progress this evening:
– Agnes Stewart
– Corral Drive/Ranch Drive (Briggs Middle School)
– East of McKenzie Willamette Hospital area
– Hayden Bridge (east of Villa to Harvest Lane)
– Prescott and Centennial area
– N. 32nd
– 42nd and Olympic
– N. 58th Street area in Thurston (working on taps east of the BPA right-of-way)
– S. 70th street (underground) – we’ve repaired the overhead feed that fed the underground system, and are now making repairs to pick up several neighborhoods in the Thurston Hills
– S. 79th rebuild
[Friday, January 19, 12:15pm]
Free water for SUB customers with broken water pipes at their homes
Freezing conditions left some SUB customers with broken or burst home water pipes. SUB has placed two drinking water trailers in Springfield where customers can either fill their own containers or receive free PERSONAL-SIZED bottled water for drinking (not storage containers) for FREE.
Sunday, January 21 from 8 am to 4:30 pm
Springfield High School – Silke Field Parking Lot
Thurston High School – South Parking lot
NOTE: free water bottles are PERSONAL SIZED for drinking, not larger storage bottles
[Friday, January 19, 12:30pm]
ALL Boil Water Notices LIFTED for Springfield. Customers may resume normal water use with no further action required
The Boil Water Advisories issued in response to ice-storm damage at Springfield Utility Board water systems have been lifted.
The boil water advisory in SUB’s West system was lifted earlier in the day, and the advisory for the East system was lifted just past 5 pm, after the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) returned test results showing the water was healthy to drink.
All customers in the affected areas may return to using tap water for all uses, including drinking, without boiling.
[Friday, January 19, 12:15pm]
A BOIL WATER advisory is currently in effect for a portion of SUB customers
UPDATE: the west system boil water notice HAS BEEN LIFTED
The recent ice storm has caused damage to SUB’s electric system, which has also affected parts of our water distribution system.
We have issued a boil water advisory notice to customers in our EAST distribution system (click map below). The WEST system has been lifted. If you do not have power to boil water, please use bottled water until the boil water notice has been lifted. We’re asking neighbors to help each other, especially when others don’t have bottled water. Please see the enclosed map to see the boundaries of east and west system.
Map SUB water system boundary
BOIL WATER ADVISORY NOTICE (click here – What to do if you are under a boil water notice)
[UPDATE Wednesday, January 17, 11:30am] We had a difficult night with the many gains made by our crews undone by new ice accumulation from yesterday’s freezing rain, followed by warm temperatures that melted ice, causing significant additional damage as broken tree limbs and large ice sheets fell into lines.
We estimate we have 12,000 customers out of power at the moment. Last night’s storm also pulled down power poles, and we currently have more than 40 that will need to be repaired and reset. System damage in those areas will take about a week to repair, at which point we can begin restoration of individual services. A map showing the areas will be posted soon.
Those without power should plan to remain without power for the at least the next week.
With the warming weather, streets are becoming more passable. We encourage people who can to look in on vulnerable neighbors, and to seek alternative accommodations if possible.
We know this is frustrating news, and we are working to get power back to people as soon as possible. Four outside crews are here or coming to assist in the effort.
Our area is working through the worst storm most of us have ever encountered, but we are facing the challenges with determination and hard work, and progress will happen as weather continues to stabilize.
Thank you for the incredible patience and grace you have shown, especially to our crews, as we navigate this truly unprecedented storm.
Continue to avoid Bob Straub parkway as crews clear downed poles.
Please stay back from crews as they work, for your safety and theirs.
AVOID approaching downed lines! They are dangerous and it’s impossible to tell if they are energized. Stay back!
[Tuesday, January 16, 10:25pm] IMPORTANT: AVOID the area of Main Street from 58th to Bob Straub Parkway. Power poles have fallen in this section of road. Crews are removing wire from the roadway tonight but the poles will remain until the morning when additional crews and heavy equipment can begin to remove them.
IT IS IMPERATIVE that you avoid wires on the ground. They may be energized even if they appear dead, and touching an energized powerline will result in very serious injuries or death.
The freezing rain today has caused powerlines and poles to fall all around the City, and crews have had to keep members of the public from endangering themselves and crews by approaching crews and lines.
[Tuesday, January 16, 3:00pm] Thanks to ongoing work from crews working in dangerous, frigid conditions, we have whittled the number of customers without power down from 15,000 yesterday to about 6,000 customers.
The forecast freezing rain has started, however, and we anticipate new outages from the additional ice forming on trees.
Warmer temperatures are coming as well, which while welcome, will thaw ice on trees and release broken limbs currently frozen in place.
We understand this is a frustrating process and appreciate your patience as we endeavor to restore power and heat to your homes.
Please note that daily updates are pinned to our Facebook homepage, so check there or our website at for the most current status. Also find an outage FAQ on the website.
[Tuesday, January 16, 10:00am] Repair work completed during the day stayed stable overnight, which is good news. Crews also worked to isolate sections of overhead lines that can be restored to power once repairs have been made. Many downed lines and damaged poles remain.
Overhead line sections must be visually inspected and verified, which is a time-consuming process but important for both for safety and to ensure the repair work holds.
SUB continues to urge customers to be prepared for an extended outage. They anticipate working on major repairs to main lines through the weekend before focusing on repairs to tap lines serving portions of neighborhoods.
If you have power, please use this time to make additional preparations as additional outages are possible depending on the course of today’s incoming weather.
SUB also encourages customers to look in on their neighbors and friends as they work their way through the power restoration process.
They hope to have more updates later today.
[Monday, January 15, 10:30pm UPDATE] Springfield Utility Board can report good progress this afternoon and evening. Power was restored today to all of Glenwood, another part of the Gateway area, including the Mall, a portion of the Jasper Road neighborhood, and 66th and 69th St. in the Thurston area.
Crews will continue working overnight. Many lines are down and they are working to secure them.
SUB will report again around 9:00am tomorrow.
[Monday, January 15, 3:00pm UPDATE] SUB has made progress today bringing power to customers in several areas. They have service restored to the Mountaingate area and power restored to various neighborhoods in the Gateway, Mohawk, Centennial, and D Street areas.
Although progress is being made, CONDITIONS HAVE NOT STABILIZED, and icing and gusty winds are forecasted for tomorrow.
SUB strongly encourages customers to STILL PLAN TO BE WITHOUT POWER FOR SEVERAL DAYS, even as they bring power on.
Crews continue to work today, and they will post around 10:00 PM to provide more updates.
[Monday, January 15, 8:00am] SUB crews worked overnight to restore power to Mckenzie Willamette Hospital, which had been operating via generator. While they restored power to about 1,500 customers yesterday, additional overnight outages keep the total number of customers affected at about 11,000, a third of their system.
This morning crews will resume restoring power following this prescribed plan.
The goal is to bring power and relief to as many customers as possible as quickly as possible, but it is important to note that the weight of ice on trees and infrastructure means new damage is still occurring, even as repairs are being made.
As weather improves and the active damage period ends, SUB anticipates restoration efforts will gain momentum.
Barring any significant developments, SUB will report again at 3 pm. You can also see these and past updates on their website – website updates can be translated into other languages for non-English speaking customers.
[UPDATE Thursday, 1/18]
Team Springfield partners, Springfield Utility Board, City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools and Willamalane Park and Recreation District are working together in response to the ice storm in our community. We are coordinating on sharing information and ask you to check the City’s alerts page for updates and resource links at
The power restoration process will take a long time to complete. The warmer weather will help, but the damage to our power infrastructure sustained was significant. Here are a few things you can do to help:
1. Be prepared for a lengthy recovery effort. Make sure you have plenty of food and water at your house.
2. Restoring power at water distribution sites is the highest priority for SUB. But please reduce your water usage as much as possible.
3. Please check on neighbors, share supplies, and support each other however you can.
4. Give utility and first responders room to work. The more space we can give them, the faster they can restore power and remove potential hazards.
5. If you’re utilizing a generator, only operate in a well-ventilated area. They should never be used inside homes, garages, or other partially enclosed spaces. Always store additional fuel in approved containers in a safe location away from living areas.
6. Due to downed trees and safety hazards, parks and trails are currently closed to the public. We appreciate your understanding as we perform clean up.
[Wednesday, 1/17, 4:32pm] Springfield City Hall, including the Springfield Public Library and the Springfield Municipal Court, will be back to normal open hours starting tomorrow, Thursday, January 18. City Hall will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Library will be open from 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. and for more information visit
The Municipal Court will be open for regular hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. but will have limited staffing and services. Please email or call 541-726-3748, before coming to the courthouse. If you had a scheduled appearance at 8:00 a.m., it has been rescheduled to another date. Please check the Municipal Court website for more information at
For a list of all City department hours, go to
[Tuesday, 1/16] Springfield City Hall, including the Springfield Public Library, will delay opening until 11 a.m., Wednesday, January 17 due to the ongoing icy conditions and weather. City Hall and the Library will be open until 6 p.m. Wednesday.
Springfield Municipal Court will be closed to the public Wednesday. However, virtual court hearings will continue as scheduled. Please contact your attorney if you have one. For all other inquiries, email Court staff at
All of our first responders including Springfield Police Department – Oregon, Eugene Springfield Fire, and Operations Division staff continue to be in service to the community and we appreciate the extra hours they are putting in.
[Monday, 1/15, 4:08PM] Due to the ongoing icy conditions, City Hall, including our Springfield Public Library and Springfield Municipal Court, will be closed on Tuesday, January 16. Municipal Court staff will be sending automated text messages, emails, or phone calls letting individuals know their court date has been rescheduled.
Additionally, the Springfield City Council meeting scheduled for tomorrow night as been cancelled and will be rescheduled. The new date will be posted, once determined, to the City’s website.
The Operations Division continues to be hard at work sanding priority streets and clearing downed trees. They have also been working on securing additional help and preparing a plan for the long-term tree cleanup work. All the City’s first responders including the Springfield Police Department – Oregon, Eugene Springfield Fire and Operations Division staff continue to be in service to the community.
[Monday, 1/15] Freezing temperatures set in late yesterday and continue through today. Conditions are hazardous so, if possible, please stay home and off the roads. Streets are covered in layers of ice, power outages are causing traffic lights and streetlights to be inoperable, and trees have fallen onto many roadways and sidewalks. Operations staff from Development and Public Works will be focusing on clearing trees from streets to make them passable, but trees will not be cleaned up and removed until conditions improve.
Crews will continue to work around the clock to make roads as safe as possible. If you must drive on the roads, please use extreme caution. View the City’s snow and ice priorities map.
Please report any fallen trees on public streets or property by calling 541-726-3761 today, Sunday, January 14, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. as we are staffing phone lines to cover this weather event. Outside of these times please call the police non-emergency line at 541-726-3714.
The City will post any updates on social media pages as they become available.
[UPDATED Sunday, January 21]
Most SPS schools will be open Tuesday, January 23.
There are only three schools that will remain closed Tuesday:
– Briggs Middle School
– Agnes Stewart Middle School
– Thurston High School
Buses to run normal schedules and routes.
We will continue to reach out with important updates by email, text and social media.
La mayoría de las escuelas estarán abiertas el día martes 23 de enero.
Solo tres escuelas permanecerán cerradas el martes:
• Briggs Middle School
• Agnes Stewart Middle School
• Thurston High School
Continuaremos comunicándonos con actualizaciones importantes por correo electrónico, textos, y redes sociales.
SPS escuelas se mantendrán cerradas el día lunes, 22 de enero. Personal del distrito debe reportarse con sus Administradores. Equipos de Transporte estarán asesorando la seguridad de las rutas escolares. Prepárese para un posible regreso a clases el día martes, 23 de enero.
Encuentre las últimas actualizaciones and noticias relacionadas a impactos del clima, notificaciones de cierres, y centros de auxilio en nuestra página de clima. Continuaremos comunicándonos con actualizaciones importantes por correo electrónico, textos, y redes sociales.
Respite Centers Open for SPS Students and Families
SPS opened two of its schools for students and their families to help provide relief following the ice storm emergency. SPS families can warm up, dry off, charge devices, eat a hot meal, and find support and community. Centers will run Thursday, January 18 – Sunday, January 21.
Respite Center Locations:
– Two Rivers-Dos Rios Elementary, 1084 G Street
– Springfield High School, 875 7th Street
Hours: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Meal Times (both locations): 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 4 – 6 p.m.
[Sunday, January 21]
Springfield Public Schools Closure Extended
Springfield Public Schools will remain closed on Monday, January 22. Staff to report to buildings where power was restored to buildings as of Sunday evening. Transportation Team to test bus routes. Prepare for an anticipated return to school on Tuesday, January 23.
All of SPS’ weather-related information including closure notices and respite center information can now be found on their weather updates page. SPS will continue to reach out with important updates by email, text and social media.
[Sunday, January 21]
4J is grateful for your understanding as the community navigates this most recent challenge and are looking forward to welcoming students back to safe and warm buildings Monday, January 22.
[Friday, January 19]
The unprecedented ice storm that hit Springfield on Sunday, January 14, 2024 caused a considerable amount of damages to SPS schools and facilities. The impacts from the storm caused the complete closure of our district from January 15-19. As our district begins recovery efforts from Downtown Springfield to Thurston and Walterville, please visit this page for the latest updates and information about school closures, recovery efforts, and plans for resuming instruction in our schools.
[Wednesday, January 17, 1:00PM] Due to continued power outages and road conditions, all 4J & Springfield Public Schools are closed for Thursday, January 18, 2024. All evening activities, including athletic events, have been postponed.
[Tuesday, January 16, 12:00PM] Due to continued icy and hazardous conditions, all 4J schools and facilities will remain CLOSED tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Decisions about the schedule for the rest of the week will be made at a later time. As a reminder missed days may be made up later in the academic year. Staff and families will receive calendar updates as they are made. We understand the stress and strain brought by these challenging conditions. We too look forward to better weather and getting back to the usual routine.
[Monday, January 15] Due to inclement weather conditions, all Springfield Public Schools are closed for Tuesday, January 16. All evening activities, including athletic events, have been postponed.
SPS Inclement Weather Procedures
If snow or ice is predicted, designated staff monitor radar and forecasts and then take to the road between 4 and 6 a.m. to assess travel conditions on bus routes. The goal is to determine by 6:30 a.m. whether school will be closed, on delay, or operating as usual.
No news means no change. If you don’t hear any information about Springfield Public Schools, you can assume that schools and buses are operating on their normal schedules. However, the decision of whether to send your child to school is always left to each parent. If you do not feel that it is safe to transport your child to school, contact the school to let them know.
After-school Activities
If schools are closed due to hazardous weather conditions, all after-school activities are cancelled, including athletic games, practices, and building rentals.
Snow Routes
Occasionally, the conditions do not warrant closing school, however some routes may not be safe to navigate a school bus. Families who live at certain higher elevations may need to bring their child(ren) to a lower elevation to catch the bus at an alternative location. The district has developed snow routes that may be used if hazardous road conditions exist. Snow routes may change from year to year and can be accessed online.
Additional information
Additional information or specifics may be communicated through the FlashAlert system, district website, social media accounts, and if necessary via the auto-dialer system.
[UPDATED Thursday, January 18]
LTD Resumes Regular Service on Friday, January 19
Lane Transit District neighborhood bus service and EmX will resume weekday service at 6 a.m. tomorrow, Friday, January 19. RideSource will resume service at 5:30 a.m., with trips being evaluated for safety on a case-by-case basis. Diamond Express has regular service on Friday. LTD’s Customer Service Center (CSC) at Eugene Station will open at 7 a.m. Friday, and Springfield Station’s CSC will open at 9 a.m.
[UPDATED Thursday, January 18]
Some routes still may be modified due to icy conditions and tree debris. Check LTD’s Service Alerts page for the most updated information. Real-time signs and schedules may not be an accurate source because of weather-related delays on Friday.
Rural routes 91, 92, 93, 95, 96 and 98 are running on a regular schedule. There are some detours in place, check South Lane service remains canceled, as Cottage Grove remains without power.
Teams continue to clear LTD’s 1300 bus stops, two primary stations, eight neighborhood transfer stations, 60 EmX platforms, and 20 miles of bus lanes. Some stops may still not be completely cleared by Friday morning, so riders should use their best judgment when approaching a stop.
Check and follow LTD on social media for the latest information
[UPDATE 1/17 5:00 p.m.] Some LTD services will operate 1/18. Please expect detours and delays. Real-time information and published bus schedules will be unreliable.
LTD neighborhood bus routes will operate on Thursday, January 18, with a 9:00 a.m. start time. Please continue to reference Service Alerts as service is subject to change on individual routes. Routes 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, and 98 will not operate 1/18 due to hazardous road conditions. EmX will begin service around 9:00 a.m. and will operate on modified schedules due to ice and debris in bus lanes. Stay tuned for additional details on EmX service. The Customer Service Center in Eugene will open 1/18 at 8:00 a.m. and the Springfield location will open at 9:00 a.m. RideSource service will begin at 5:30 a.m., operating on a case-by-case basis. Diamond Express will operate its regular service on 1/18. Note that the 7:20 a.m. arrival at Eugene Station is before the CSC opens and bus service begins. South Lane Wheels service in the Cottage Grove area is canceled for 1/18.
For the latest updates, visit LTD’s Service Alerts webpage:
[UPDATE 1/16 4:30 p.m.] Due to inclement weather and road conditions, LTD, RideSource, Diamond Express, and South Lane Wheels services are not able to provide service on January 16 and 17. This will allow time for LTD staff to make sure stations, walkways, and bus lanes are safe for riders and employees.
RideSource is encouraging riders to stay home and defer medical appointments if possible. However, RideSource will provide transportation for urgent medical appointments as road conditions allow.
As weather & road conditions change, check LTD’s Service Alerts online:
Details and updates are available on the LTD website.
[UPDATE 1/15] LTD Suspends Service for Tuesday, January 16
Lane Transit District and RideSource have suspended service tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16. Diamond Express and South Lane services have been canceled for Tuesday.
LTD passengers should check the weather forecast and bus schedules, as inclement weather continues to impact the area. Check and follow LTD on social media for the latest information. The LTD Service Alerts page and social media profiles will be updated as conditions change.
Remember to tune into the local television or radio newscast for weather conditions and closures. Please continue to listen in to 1120AM KPNW for weather, traffic, and public safety updates on the radio.
[UPDATED Friday, January 19]
Willamalane is working hard to determine ways to support the community and our partners. As resources become available, updates will be posted on their alerts page, Facebook, and Instagram.
Park Reminders:
All district parks, natural areas, and paths are closed until Willamalane can fully assess the damage and ensure safety. Down and loose-hanging branches are extremely dangerous. The bathrooms at Guy Lee Park and Meadow Park are closed. To report park damage, call the park’s hotline: (541) 736-4104.
Bob Keefer Center and Willamalane Adult Activity Center are currently open! You are welcome to use the lobby, get warm, and charge devices at no cost. At Bob Keefer Center, you can also shower (free) or use the fitness center or court activities for standard drop-in fees.
Bob Keefer Center Weekend Hours
- Friday, Jan. 19: 7 a.m.-9 p.m.
- Saturday, Jan. 20: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Sunday, Jan. 21: 12- 5 p.m.
Willamalane Adult Activity Center Weekend Hours
Classes and programs at Willamalane Adult Activity Center are canceled until Monday, Jan. 22. The center is currently being used as a warming center for residents.
- Friday, Jan. 19: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Saturday, Jan. 20: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Sunday, Jan. 21: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Willamalane Park Swim Center and Splash! will remain closed until further notice.
[UPDATE Wednesday, Jan. 17, 11:50am] Willamalane will remain closed through Thursday, Jan. 18. This includes Bob Keefer Center, Willamalane Park Swim Center, Splash!, and Willamalane Adult Activity Center. All district parks are closed until we can assess damage and safety.
Willamalane’s priorities are safety and supporting SUB’s efforts to restore power. To report park damage, call the parks hotline: (541) 736-4104
[Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1:50pm] Willamalane will remain closed through Wednesday, Jan. 17.
The majority of district parks have sustained significant damage from the storm and multiple facilities have experienced loss of power which may delay opening even after conditions improve. Please stay indoors, stay safe, and take care of each other.
To report park damage, call the parks hotline: (541) 736-4104.
[Monday, Jan. 15, 11:55am] Willamalane will remain closed through Tuesday, Jan. 16. They hope to open soon.
Dorris Ranch and Thurston Hills Natural Area remain closed.
The majority of district parks have sustained significant damage from the storm. It is unclear how soon crews can assess, and hazardous conditions will persist even after the ice begins to melt. Please stay indoors and stay safe.
To report park damage, call the parks hotline: 541-736-4104
To report damage involving power lines, call SUB customer service lines: 541-726-2395 or 541-746-8451.
[UPDATED Thursday, January 18]
Surgical operations will return to normal capacity at RiverBend
Pediatrics Plus at Valley River will open at 10 a.m.
Family Medicine clinics at Barger, South Eugene, Santa Clara, RiverBend, University District, and Cottage Grove will open at 10 a.m.
Cottage Grove Walk-In Clinic will open at 10 a.m.
University District Urgent Care will close early at 7 p.m.
All other PeaceHealth Medical Group clinics return to regular hours
NOTE: the Springfield Utility Board boil notice does not impact RiverBend.
[UPDATE January 17, 2024]
PeaceHealth Clinics/Urgent Care Closures
- University District Urgent Care will open at 10 a.m.
- Pediatrics Plus at Valley River Center will open at 10 a.m.
- UCare Behavioral Health Clinic at University District will open at 9 a.m. Other behavioral health clinics are operating via telehealth.
- The Wound Care Clinic at RiverBend will open at 8 a.m.
- All other PeaceHealth Medical Group clinics in the Eugene/Springfield area are closed.
- PeaceHealth Medical Group clinics in Cottage Grove, Creswell and Pleasant Hill continue to be without power and will be closed.
- The majority of elective surgeries at RiverBend will once again be postponed on Wednesday.
- Other hospital operations such as the emergency departments at RiverBend and Cottage Grove Community Medical Center – will not be impacted.
Staff from closed clinics will reach out to patients with previously scheduled appointments to reschedule them.
[January 15, 2024, 3:00pm] PeaceHealth’s clinic closures and elective surgery reductions will continue through Tuesday, January 16. Other hospital operations – such as the emergency departments at RiverBend and Cottage Grove Community Medical Center – will not be impacted.
With unsafe driving conditions due to weather, all PeaceHealth Medical Group clinics in the Eugene, Springfield, and Cottage Grove area will be closed on Monday, January 15. This includes all specialty clinics plus urgent care and walk-in clinics. Patients with previously scheduled appointments will be contacted to reschedule.
The majority of elective surgeries at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend scheduled for Tuesday, January 15 will also be postponed and rescheduled. Other hospital operations will not be impacted.
Cascade Health is experiencing a power outage and all phone lines are down. Our offices are currently closed on Wednesday, January 17th for the following departments:
- Diabetes & Nutrition Education
- Occupational Health
- Physical & Occupational Therapy
- Wellness and Travel Health
- Counseling and EAP: Counseling clients will be contacted by their providers.
- 4J and City of Springfield Wellness Clinics
- Cascade Health Physical & Hand Therapy Clinic
- Mobile Health dispatch is currently unavailable
Pete Moore Hospice House remains open, all hours.
The Willamette Valley Cancer Institute and Research Center clinics will be closed on January 17.
Oregon Medical Group’s locations are closed for January 15 and 16. They will reopen at 10 a.m. on January 17.
The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce is monitoring updates from the city, schools, utilities, and other pertinent partners and resources on this page. Phone and internet service has been restored to the Chamber Depot and Visitor’s Center, and we are now OPEN FOR BUSINESS and maintaining regular office hours (8:30am – 5:00pm). Please continue to relay information and/or inquiries through our normal channels. Keep checking back here for updates, share info with family, friends, and business associates, and continue to stay safe.
SMALL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS HUB on Friday, January 26, at the Chamber Depot, will go forward as scheduled. CLICK HERE for more information or to register.
Springfield Greeters Business Before Hours on Tuesday, January 16th was canceled. The next Business Before Hours will take place at the Holiday Inn Express on Tuesday, January 23rd.
Chamber Roundtable +Tour at Lane Community College on Tuesday, January 16th was postponed. Keep checking back to our events page for a reschedule date.
Chamber Board of Director’s meeting on Wednesday, January 17th has been postponed. Board and staff will be notified of a make-up date.
[Thursday, January 18]
The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce is monitoring updates from the city, schools, utilities, and other pertinent partners and resources on this page. The Chamber Depot and Visitor’s Center will be closed Friday, January 19th, due to phone and internet service disruptions. However, WE ARE STILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Staff will be working remotely and you are encouraged to contact us at between 8:30am and 5:00pm with inquiries and/or information. Keep checking back here for updates, share info with family, friends, and business associates, and continue to stay safe.
Lane County’s non-emergency call center has suspended operations.
The number of daily calls has decreased and pivoting away from the call center will allow call takers to focus on other recovery efforts. At its peak, the call center answered 320 calls in one day and that number has reduced to fewer than 30 over the last two days.
Lane County will monitor the need for a non-emergency call center related to the ice storm.
Information continues to be available at
Please continue to listen in to 1120AM KPNW for weather, traffic, and public safety updates on the radio.
If you have any updates or information to be shared on this page, please e-mail the Chamber directly.