Springfield Chamber’s President & CEO Vonnie Mikkelsen Named 2023 Executive of the Year

Vonnie Mikkelsen, President and CEO of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, was named the 2023 Oregon State Chamber Executive of the Year during the 2023 Chamber Leadership Conference held October 16-18, 2023, in Hood River.
The conference was organized by the Oregon and Washington Chambers of Commerce and attended by more than 120 Chamber of Commerce executives from those states. The Executive of the Year Award was presented at the annual banquet by Justin Aufdermauer, president and CEO of the Tillamook (Oregon) Chamber and the recipient of the 2022 award.
It was noted during the presentation that when she took the reins in 2015, Mikkelsen inherited a staff plagued by low morale and divisiveness. Under her guidance and leadership, the organization saw a remarkable turnaround. She fostered a fair and compassionate environment for the staff, addressing performance issues while providing support and guidance. She strategically redefined positions, hired exceptional individuals, and elevated productivity within the Chamber to unprecedented heights. The Springfield Chamber is now a model of efficiency and effectiveness in the Springfield community that has attracted influential business and community leaders to serve on the Chamber board and created highly valuable partnerships.
“Vonnie is an exceptional individual who has demonstrated unwavering dedication to her community – remarkable leadership and a commitment to the principles of integrity and character – a person who has not only transformed her Chamber, but has also had a profound impact on her entire community.”
– Bettina Hannigan, Board Chair, Oregon State Chamber of Commerce; President and CEO, Florence Area Chamber of Commerce
Hannigan also said Mikkelsen has become a sought-after advisor and resource for local, regional, and international organizations; and that her alliance with the Latino community is a testament to her commitment to inclusivity and collaboration. Mikkelsen was also recognized for healing a fragmented board, establishing clear goals, and restoring financial stability to the organization. “Her example has set a new standard for Chamber executives throughout Oregon. Her impact on the community and the business world is immeasurable,” said Hannigan.
“When our peer communities across the state take notice, it’s a gift – a chance to pause and celebrate,” said Mikkelsen. “Our staff, board leaders, and community partners are in constant pursuit of excellence, consistently looking to level up our capacity and capabilities to positively impact our community. To me, this recognition is a direct reflection on the countless individuals who dedicate precious time and energy every day so that Springfield, our businesses, and our Chamber grow and thrive for generations to come.”

Among the Springfield Chamber’s top accomplishments over the last eight years is the WorkReady program, founded in 2017 as a workforce development partnership with local business, industry, the City of Springfield, and the Springfield School District. Through WorkReady, staff and advisors have facilitated employer-based apprenticeships, designed management training, and advocated for targeted workforce development funding and policy. WorkReady earned the Western Association of Chamber of Commerce Executive’s Innovative Chamber Program Award in 2020; and was named Oregon Workforce Champion, 2020, by the national nonprofit, ACT.
Mikkelsen also led the interior renovation of the Springfield Chamber Business and Visitor Center at the Historic Train Depot that was recognized with the Springfield Mayor’s Heritage Award in 2022.
“Earning a reputation for upholding a bold, innovative, mission-driven vision comes only by way of a shared purpose and intention with those you work for and alongside. Doing so has paid off in so many ways, like attracting high-performing staff and influential talent to the board of Directors and our recently-revealed new brand identity. This recognition is a reflection on that achievement. I believe that communities are better served by having strong Chambers – and strong Chambers are made possible by talented people who bring leadership, integrity, and vision.”
– Vonnie Mikkelsen, President & CEO, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce and 2023 Oregon State Chamber Executive of the Year
Mikkelsen has also served on the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce board of Directors since 2018 and as its OSCC Board Chair in 2020. She is an active member of the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, the Western Association of Chamber Executives, and the US Chamber of Commerce.
The OSCC is the largest grassroots organization for business in the state and gives a voice in the state capital for small and large local business communities.
“The OSCC is a private nonprofit trade association for Chambers of Commerce that represents 80 local chambers of commerce around Oregon and more than 27,000 local businesses in every corner of the state,” explained Hannigan. “We also support and represent Oregon’s local business community by serving as its advocate on business issues and providing professional development and education to strengthen local Chamber leaders and represent them in Salem. OSCC provides tools, resources, and methods to encourage collaboration among local Chambers of Commerce to elevate the level of the Chamber industry in the state.”