Citywide Streetlight LED Upgrade Installation This Week


Dark streets can be a little spooky even if it’s not Halloween, so the City of Springfield is working to change that, starting the installation of Light Emitting Diode (LED) fixtures for all City streetlights this week. LED lighting is up to 70% more energy efficient, lasts 4-5 times longer, and allows for better control of light output than the existing types of lighting.

The funding for this project comes from the American Rescue Plan Act that was passed in 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City has been replacing the 4,557 streetlights with LED lights in phases as light fixtures reach end of life and money becomes available. Now that federal funding has been provided for this project, the City is beginning the installation of the remaining 3,124 lights.

The City selected McKinstry to lead the streetlight replacement project with RiverLine Power performing the installation work. Installers have already placed the control gateways that give advanced controls to the new light fixtures. This week, installers will be seen working throughout Springfield as they get started on the installation of new lights.

What:  Installers will be seen throughout Springfield replacing streetlights
Who: City of Springfield traffic engineers and various contractors including McKinstry
When: The week of October 30, 2023, and continues until completion, estimated 4-5 months
Where: All streetlights in Springfield
Why: Upgrade streetlights to Light Emitting Diode (LED) fixtures for better performance

To inquire about current installation locations, contact Mike McGillivray at 541-726-3615 or 541-510-3744.

Additional Information: Brian Barnett, City traffic engineer, or Scott Miller, traffic operations engineer, at 541-726-3761. CLICK HERE for Frequently Asked Questions and ongoing updates.
