Legislative Update: February 13, 2023

We’re monitoring Oregon’s 2023 legislative session for issues of impact and interest to our members. Here’s the latest update from our legislative counsel at the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC).
This week we will see a push for the first bipartisan legislative package of the session.
The package will consist of policy and funding for housing, additional funding for behavioral health and possibly drought relief, as well as incentives for the semiconductor industry. It will be the first major package of policy bills and budget items to move forward this session – and it is expected to move relatively quickly as legislative leaders have stated that their goal is to pass it by March. It will be the first major test of the new leadership’s ability to work across the aisle and in a bipartisan fashion.
The first public hearing on the housing policy bill (HB 2001) was Tuesday at 8:00am. Other details of the package should be released this week.
Last week
Last week OSCC engaged on a number of bills impacting local business communities:
HB 2800 introduces complexity and confusion into Oregon’s existing age discrimination laws by compromising employers’ ability to consider experience and by requiring employers to prove that age discrimination did not take place when an adverse employment decision is made. OSCC is lobbying with the business community to oppose and/or amend this legislation.
HB 2536 limits what third-party food platforms can charge restaurants for takeout orders at 5% and delivery orders at 15%. OSCC signed a letter to oppose this legislation due to the fact that it appears to set a precedent of establishing price caps in private business-to-business contracts.
HB 2433 would increase the exemption in the CAT tax for small businesses from $1 million to $5 million. OSCC testified in support of this legislation and sent an ACTION ALERT to members. We believe there will be an actual negotiation around this legislation to increase the exemption on the CAT tax and get more small businesses out from under this tax.
HB 2624 increases the $1 million exclusion for Oregon’s estate tax. OSCC testified in support of the legislation.
This week
This week we are watching a handful of bills that have significant impacts on local businesses:
SB 127 is a Senate bill that will increase the exemption in the CAT tax for small businesses from $1 million to $5 million. OSCC will support this legislation. OSCC has sent an ACTION ALERT on this bill to members.
SB 754 is an important bill for the outdoor recreation sector and fitness industry. It provides that an operator may require a person who engages in sports, fitness, or recreational activities in various ways to release operators from claims for ordinary negligence. OSCC will support this legislation.
SB 592 would allow OSHA to conduct full workplace inspections upon three or more willful violations or a death at the workplace. OSCC will oppose this legislation until it is clarified that a workplace death is due to willful violation.
HB 2396 is a job-killing bill that would authorize DEQ to create an “indirect source” review program. The proposed program would apply broadly to indirect sources of potential air emissions throughout the state, including retail stores, offices, government buildings, schools, hospitals, ports, and development projects, among others (i.e., “Does the project promote vehicle traffic or require off-road engines?”). OSCC is opposing this legislation.
HB 3158 is another anti-business bill that creates a slew of new taxes and fees to fund an incentive program for non-road diesel vehicles. Among other things, the bill puts a new tax on tires and on the purchase and rental of diesel equipment. OSCC is opposing this legislation.
The Springfield Chamber of Commerce will be publishing the OSCC’s legislative updates weekly, or as received. Any opinions expressed or implied are those of OSCC and do not necessarily reflect those of the Springfield Chamber or its representatives. If you’d like more information, please visit our Advocacy & Elections Page.