Heritage Arts Grants Available for Springfield Projects

Application deadline is February 27, 2024
The Springfield Arts Commission (SAC) is currently accepting applications for its Heritage Arts Grant (HAG). Organizations, groups, artists, and individuals located in Lane County are encouraged to submit applications for arts and culture related projects resulting in a public event, performance, or show in Springfield, Oregon. The deadline for submission is 5:00 p.m. on February 27, 2024.
“After a short hiatus, the Springfield Arts Commission is excited to be able to offer the Heritage Arts Grant to support projects that celebrate the art and cultural heritage of our city,” said David Grimes, Springfield Arts Commissioner, and chair of the HAG committee. “As we continue to deal with the effects of polarization and post-pandemic disconnection, art has a special role to play in creating a sense of shared experience. We are dedicated to funding projects with the potential to bring people together, provoke self and community reflection, challenge us, and create opportunities for dialogue.”
The commission will award $4,500 in this year’s application cycle for projects to be held between July 2024 and June 2025. The commission seeks applications from emerging individual artists and groups, as well as well-established organizations, Grimes added.
“We strongly encourage people to think outside the box about their creative projects and the value their unique experience and perspective brings to Springfield,” Grimes said.
“While we always welcome applications from visual and performing artists and groups, we love having the opportunity to support projects that bring heritage arts, unconventional approaches, emerging art forms and interactive experiences to the spotlight. Greater artistic diversity benefits us all by adding richness to our community.”
– David Grimes, Springfield Arts Commissioner and Chair of the HAG Committee
Applicants must complete an online application at https://forms.gle/vgLmzhyAofsXTsxt9 as well as upload a project budget and W-9. Grant guidelines and a budget worksheet may be found on the Springfield Arts Commission’s website at https://springfield-or.gov/springfield-arts-commission/. The application deadline is 5:00 p.m. on February 27, 2024.
The Heritage Arts Grant program was developed to encourage community-based public arts programs to enrich and promote the cultural heritage of the City of Springfield. The grants are funded by City of Springfield room taxes and administered by the Springfield Arts Commission.
Grant awards will range from $250 to $1,500 per project. Past HAG recipients include Noche Cultural, Eugene Springfield Youth Orchestra; Springfield Alliance for Equity and Respect; the Asian Celebration, Chifin Native Youth Center, and the Springfield History Museum’s ILLUMINATION project.
For more information about the Heritage Arts Grant, contact Mindy Linder at 541-726-3766 or mlinder@springfield-or.gov.