Springfield Seeks Applicants for Development Code Update Project Technical Advisory Committee Phase 2 – Employment Lands

The City of Springfield is continuing to accept applications from Springfield community members to serve on the Development Code Update Project Technical Advisory Committee for the Employment Lands (commercial and Industrial development) phase of the project. The City is seeking applications to fill any and all volunteer positions representing a variety of employment lands (commercial and industrial) categories however we are specifically highlighting recruitment for 1) a member of the community involved as a commercial appraiser and 2) a member of the public. The Springfield Planning Commission acting as the Committee for Citizens Involvement (CCI) will appoint members to the technical advisory committee.
Members will be appointed to sever over the next 12 to 15 months. Tentatively, there will be 10 to 14 meetings during that time and could be scheduled during the workday, in the evenings or both, and as virtual meetings.
The primary purpose for the committee is to provide the project technical advice and input on the Development Code Update Project related to employment lands (commercial and industrial). The Committee plays an advisory role and produces recommendations for the project team, the Springfield Planning Commission, the Development Code Update Project Governance Team, and the Springfield City Council.
Committee members will be responsible for attending meetings, reviewing materials, providing insight on community concerns or issues, and sharing information with other community members and bringing viewpoints back to the group.
What: Applications being accepted for Springfield’s Development Code Update Project Technical Advisory Committee for the Employment Lands phase of the project
Who: Springfield community members with Employment Lands (commercial or industrial development) related backgrounds; a list of categories is available in the application packet
When: This is an open-ended recruitment. Applications will continue to be accepted until by the City Manager’s Office. Applications must be submitted electronically to the email provided below.
Where: Applications are available electronically only at https://www.springfield-or.gov/city/city-managers-office/boards-commissions-and-committees/ and must be submitted electronically to cmomail@springfield-or.gov
Project Purpose: The purpose of the Development Code Update Project is to change the Springfield Development Code to support efficient, timely, and clear development review. The updated Development Code will support Springfield’s economic development priorities and will honor Springfield’s hometown feel now and in the future.
Background: The Springfield Development Code is the principle document that implements local, state, and federal land use, transportation, and environmental laws applicable in the City of Springfield. The current Development Code was adopted in 1987. Other than a general “housekeeping” update (1998-2005) the Code has been revised only to comply with state or federal laws, or as directed by Council in response to a specific issue or objective.
The Springfield City Council recognizes that the Development Code is difficult to use, understand, and implement. Resolving the complexities and outdated nature of the Development Code will help achieve the economic and housing goals for our community. The Council has directed staff to complete a full Development Code Update over the next three years.
The Development Code Update Project will be broke out into three phases:
1. Housing
2. Employment Lands
3. Other (code changes not considered in phase 1 or 2)
With each phase, the City will seek new committee members for the technical advisory committee to provide technical advice and input.
Additional Information: Mark Rust, Project Manager, at 541.726.3654 ormrust@springfield-or.gov