Back to Business: ReOpening Lane County


The Springfield Chamber of Commerce has worked in conjunction with community partners to provide several resources to aid individuals and businesses to get “Back to Business” in the safest way possible throughout Phase 1 and 2 of Oregon’s Re-Opening.

1. Back to Business: A Guide to Re-Opening

The Back To Business: A Guide To Re-Opening  was created partnership with the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce. The document is a comprehensive guide that offers reliable guidance in an easy-to-follow format with the small business owner, manager, and personal service provider in mind. Included are the best practice tips and resources, as well as comprehensive state-approved guidelines for retail establishments, restaurants and bars, outdoor recreation and gyms, personal services, hospitality, and the general public.

Click Here for the Phase 1 Guide
Click Here for the Phase 2 Guide
Click here for the Spanish Version (Phase 1):
De Vuelta al Trabajo: Una Guia Para La Reapertura

2. Safety Gear Exchange

The Springfield Chamber has created our own Safety Gear Exchange page to help facilitate member to member exchange of safety gear and PPE to meet COVID-19 safety measures in your workplace. Whether you are manufacturing certified PPE, sewing masks at home, or have any other safety gear at your disposal, we invite you to use this platform as a way to purchase, sell, and/or donate safety supplies. We currently have listings from The Hansen Insurance AgencyHeritage Distilling CoMAC GroupMcKenzie SewOn, Morel InkSouth Eugene Robotics Team, and Terra Tech! Visit the page for details and contact information.

3. #LoveLaneBiz Pledge

Together with our partners at the Eugene Chamber and Travel Lane County, we’ve put together the #LoveLaneBiz Business Pledge –  A Pledge to Safely Serve the Community. This is a commitment shared by businesses and community members to ensure the safety of patrons, employees, and neighbors, to stay informed, to shop local whenever possible, and to remain patient, kind, and respectful today, tomorrow, and all the way to economic recovery. Sign the pledge today as a customer or business, and make sure to share on social media and spread the word! Check out the webpage for a complete list of businesses and customers who have taken the pledge!

You can access all these documents, resources, and more on our Business Resource Hub on our website under the tab “Back to Business: A Guide to Re-Opening“. Please keep in mind that these resources are being continually updated as more information comes to light concerning Phase 2 for Oregon and beyond.

For more information or questions, please email
