Discover the Working Forest


Ready for a nearby adventure that offers beautiful views and fresh forest air?

Join Forest Today & Forever for a guided hike through a working forest while physically distancing on Saturday, July 11 from 9-12pm. This is a great opportunity to see forestry in action right in your back yard. Located just outside of Eugene, the 675-acre Bauman Tree Farm is a third generation working forest that is sustainably managed for wood production while providing clean water, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities. Bring your questions and curiosity as we take you on a hiking tour that highlights how forests are managed to meet the public’s demand for wood products while protecting the resources we all treasure. A beautiful meadow and picnic tables are available for an optional picnic lunch at the conclusion of the tour.

WHATDiscover the Working Forest: Guided Hike
WHENSaturday, July 11, 2020 at 9 AM – 12 PM
WHERETerritorial Rd, Eugene, OR 97405

More info can be found on their Facebook Event Page Here.

This event has a 20 person limit, and registration is required – email to sign up for the tour, or call 541-554-1342.

About Forests Today & Forever
Forests Today and Forever (FTF) is a 501c3 non-for-profit organization that depends on contributions of businesses and individuals to operate its programs. Forests Today and Forever has a board of directors of twelve people from the community, bringing skills and expertise in forest management, business, and education.
