Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting June 8, 2021

The Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee will meet from 6-7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 8, 2021. Committee members and community members can attend the meeting virtually by computer or telephone via Zoom.
- What: Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting
- Who: BPAC Members and community members
- When: 6-7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 8
- Where: https://zoom.us/j/91416572988?pwd=Nmh5dlA4Q3c0VTFZOUcxb09VcHBOZz09
- Meeting ID: 914 1657 2988
Passcode: 237140 - Or Call: +19712471195,,91416572988#
- Meeting ID: 914 1657 2988
- Welcome / Introductions 6:00
- Agenda Review
- Committee Business 6:05
- Public Comment (limited to 3 min / person)
- Approve April Meeting Summary
- Capital Projects Overview and Update – Kristi Krueger 6:10
- Work Plan Development and Approval – Dennis Weirich 6:30
- Subcommittee Updates (Safe Streets & Infrastructure Subcommittees)
- Electric Assist Devices 6:50
- Updates 7:00
- City of Springfield – Emma Newman and Michael Liebler
- All Roads Transportation Safety
- Franklin Blvd RAISE Application
- ODOT Ped Safety Funding
- Liaison Updates (Willamalane, Safe Routes, Eugene ATC)
- City of Springfield – Emma Newman and Michael Liebler
- Info Share 7:20
The Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee was established in 2011 and is a volunteer body that advises the Springfield City Council and City staff on bicycle and pedestrian matters in the city.
The Committee consists of nine voting members who meet on the second Tuesday of every other month, or as needed. Committee recruitment typically occurs in late summer / autumn each year. Meeting information is posted to the committee webpage below:
For more information, contact: Emma Newman, 541.726.4585, enewman@springfield-or.gov