Springfield Residents: Enter Your Dogs in the Canine Calendar Contest


Do you have an adorable dog? And enjoy the outdoors? Enter your dog for a chance to be featured in the City of Springfield’s Canines for Clean Water 2022 Calendar.

This calendar celebrates our canine friends while providing ideas for keeping Springfield’s waterways clean and healthy. One easy tip is for dog owners to always pick up their pet’s waste because that prevents rain from washing bacteria, harmful nutrients, and parasites into our storm drains and out into the Willamette and McKenzie rivers.

The calendar contest runs from May 26 through June 9, 2021. To enter, dog owners must live in Springfield and pledge to pick up after their canine family.

Contest details are at bit.ly/caninecal. The Canines for Clean Water 2022 Calendar is scheduled to be available for free in November, while supplies last.

  • Who: All Springfield Dog Owners
  • What: The City is hosting a contest for Springfield residents to enter their dogs for a chance to be photographed and featured in the Canines for Clean Water 2022 Calendar.
  • Where: Open to Springfield residents only. Entries are submitted online. Contest information is available at bit.ly/caninecal.
  • When: Contest runs May 26 to June 9. Winners will be announced at the end of June and beginning of July. Dogs will be photographed by City staff in July. The 2022 calendar is scheduled to be available starting in November 2021. 
  • Why: This calendar brings dog lovers together. We celebrate our canine friends, acknowledge that local waterways are wonderful places for us and our pets to enjoy, and agree that each one of us will contribute to clean water by picking up our dog’s waste.
  • Additional information: Meghan Murphy, environmental services management analyst, at 541.222.0735 or waterresources@springfield-or.gov or visit bit.ly/caninecal.
