Leadership Eugene Springfield

Article written by Valerie Sharr, Graduate Hotel
Since 1986, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce have collaborated in offering an elite leadership program that is designed to develop knowledgeable, skilled, and involved civic leaders. The program, called Leadership Eugene-Springfield, requires interested candidates (ages 21 – 99) to apply. Once selected to be in the program, the 25-30 person cohort gathers one full day per month, for eight months. Through a combination of presentations, tours, experiential learning activities, and facilitated dialogue, participants will get a better understanding of key issues in our area related to Public Safety, Government, Health & Human Services, Education, Land Use & Transportation, Economic Development, and Arts & Culture. Additionally, the cohort will be asked to create a class project around parameters that are established for them. And lastly, each participant is asked to complete a personal adventure – something that takes them out of their comfort zone.
The program provides a platform to lead at a greater level. With nearly 1,000 participants since its inception, many alumni have served in key leadership positions within their businesses and organizations, as well as city council, school board, governing boards, and our very own city Mayors! A major outcome of the Leadership Eugene-Springfield experience comes in the form of social capital, as participants network with people in diverse circles, increasing their capacity to influence change and innovate the way we do business.
In a few short months, we will be graduating the 34th class of Leadership Eugene-Springfield into our Alumni body. To them I say, “Leadership Eugene-Springfield is not just about an 8-month experience. It is about a community of other strong and impactful people invested in making our city better today and every day after!”
“Leadership Eugene-Springfield is not just about an 8-month experience. It is about a community of other strong and impactful people invested in making our city better today and every day after!”
When I started the Leadership Eugene-Springfield program, I did not realize how profoundly my life would change in eight short months. It opened my eyes to the community which I love and call home, and lit a fire in my heart to be even more involved. I was able to develop a strong local network, deepening my connection to the community.
After graduating from the program, I joined the Leadership Eugene-Springfield (LES) Steering Committee under the leadership of Brittany Mortenson (2009 graduate, NovaHealth). The Steering Committee, made up of a class facilitator, and a liaison from both Chamber of Commerces, and 18-20 hand selected alumni, works together to establish curriculum for the LES program. The Steering Committee chooses the important community issues to be presented to each class and upholds a program that is creative, interactive and rich in experiences and education. Additionally, the Steering Committee acts as an advisory board to the cohort to provide insight as they develop and execute their class project. There are a lot of moving parts to put a full day together.
This is my fourth year serving on the LES Steering Committee, the last two years as the Chair. Each and every LES year is different, based on community hot topics and cohort feedback based on previous classes. We also have our share of “opportunities.” One year, LES Government Day was held in the Lane Council of Governments building in downtown Eugene. By noon it was snowing so hard that half of Eugene shut down – including all government entities – which meant we had to vacate the building. Another year, we had Government Day scheduled during open legislation, making it very challenging to obtain relevant high ranked guest speakers. We learned from that. This year we, along with the rest of the nation, are faced with the COVID-19 pandemic that forced the Steering Committee to quickly determine how to continue the program successfully, and safely, so 29 current participants are able to complete the program. As I contemplate winding down this LES year, my last as the LES Steering Committee Chair, I am grateful for the Steering Committee’s work ethic, ingenuity, dedication and passion for this elite program. Thank you for working year-round to make this program what it is!
Leadership Eugene-Springfield 2019-2020 Steering Committee:
Valerie Sharr, Chair (2016 graduate, Graduate Hotel)
Amy Delaney (2008 graduate, Market of Choice)
Beth Sheehan (2009 graduate, Eugene Mission)
John Doty (2012 graduate, Citizens Bank)
Ethan Nelson (2013 graduate, City of Eugene)
Clark Rasche (2014 graduate, Watkinson,. Laird, Rubenstein, PC)
Theresa Maurer (2014 graduate, PIVOT Architecture)
Caitlin Vargas (2016 graduate, LTD Board)
Matt Hilton (2016 graduate, Windermere)
Sean Huntington (2016 graduate, SELCO Credit Union)
Logan Haugen (2017 graduate, Ward Insurance)
Allison Straub (2018 graduate, Burley)
Amiee Butler (2018 graduate, Merriman)
Roman Anderson (2018 graduate, Kimball Construction)
Kaityln Tepe (2018 graduate, formally Cascade Health)
Andrew Martz (2019 graduate, Eugene Airport)
Andrea Vorhees (2019 graduate, USI Insurance Services)
Callie Barry Elliott (2019 graduate, Columbia Bank)
Amanda Yankovich (2019 graduate, Obie Company)
Mary Spilde, Program Facilitator
Paige Sharpe, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce liaison
Tiffany Edwards, Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce liaison