Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting June 9

The Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee will meet from 6-7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 9, 2020. Committee members and community members can attend the meeting virtually by computer or telephone via GoToMeeting or in-person at Springfield City Hall (225 Fifth Street) in the Council Chambers while maintaining physical distancing.
What: Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting
Who: BPAC Members and community
When: 6-7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 9
Where: GoToMeeting: https://www.gotomeet.me/EmmaNewmanSpringfield/bpac
– Or Call: +1 (224) 501-3412; Access Code: 932-437-829
Alternate Attendance Option: Springfield City Hall Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield
For people who choose to attend in-person, only the south entrance City Hall doors and elevator near the Museum will be open. Please use hand sanitizer upon entering, keep 6’ distance between yourself and others, and where a mask if you have one.
I. | Welcome/Introductions | 6:00 |
II. | Agenda Review | 6:05 |
III. | Committee Business a. Public Comment (limited to 3 min / person) b. Approve February Meeting Minutes c. Bylaws, Ground Rules and Protocols – Emma Newman d. Capital Projects and CIP Update – Kristi Krueger and Jeff Paschall e. West D Street Concept Discussion – Brock Jabusch and Kristi Krueger f. 2020 BPAC Work Plan Approval – Holly Rockwell and Rosey Rosenberg | 6:15 6:25 7:00 |
IV. | Updates a. City of Springfield – Emma Newman and Michael Liebler b. Liaison Updates (Willamalane, Safe Routes, Lane TrAC, Eugene ATC) | 7:15 |
V. | Info Share | 7:25 |
The Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee was established in 2011 and is a volunteer body that advises the Springfield City Council and City staff on bicycle and pedestrian matters in the city.
The Committee consists of nine voting members who meet on the second Tuesday of every other month, or as needed. Committee recruitment typically occurs in autumn each year. Meeting information is posted to the committee webpage athttp://www.springfield-or.gov/city/development-public-works/bicycle-and-pedestrian-advisory-committee/.
For more information, contact: Emma Newman, 541.726.4585, enewman@springfield-or.gov