Lane County to Pop Up a Vaccination Clinic at Springfield Station

Super Hero Vaximillion will Greet Those Receiving Vaccinations
Eugene, Ore.— June 8, 2021— Area residents will have the opportunity to receive a COVID-19 vaccination from Lane County Public Health professionals from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., on June 9, 10 and 11, at Lane Transit District’s (LTD) Springfield Station.
LTD supports community initiatives to encourage residents to get vaccinated for COVID-19. LTD, with Lane County Public Health and 20 other private and nonprofit organizations, launched the Don’t Invite COVID: Follow the Four public awareness campaign in November 2020. Recently, the campaign introduced Vaxana and Vaximillion, local super heroes who are fighting COVID-19 with vaccinations, hand washing, masks, social distancing, and limiting group gatherings.
Vaxana and Vaximillion will be on hand at the Springfield Station clinic to greet and thank community members for receiving the vaccination. To meet Vaxana and Vaximillion, and to learn more about how to fight COVID-19, go to
“We encourage everyone who is not yet vaccinated to take advantage of this convenient opportunity provided by Lane County,” said Aurora Jackson, LTD’s General Manager. “Receiving a vaccination is as easy as getting on the bus, riding a bike, walking or driving to the Springfield Station to be part of this important health-first initiative that protects us from the virus and helps to return our community and state to pre-pandemic activities.”

About Lane Transit District (LTD)
LTD provides more than 10 million boardings per year on its buses and EmX Bus Rapid Transit line in Lane County, Oregon. Encompassing the Eugene-Springfield metro area, LTD is a special district of the State of Oregon and led by a seven-member board of directors appointed by Oregon’s governor. LTD also operates RideSource, a paratransit service for people with disabilities, and numerous transportation options programs to promote sustainable travel county wide.