LTD Phases Out Bus Advertising Program


Eugene, Ore.— May 27, 2021— Lane Transit District (LTD) is eliminating its exterior bus advertising program effective June 30, 2021, and will phase out interior bus advertising over the next few months. 

“Since the pandemic delivered shrinking advertising revenues, it no longer makes good business sense to continue the bus advertising program,” said Aurora Jackson, LTD’s General Manager. “We appreciate the businesses and nonprofit organizations that have advertised on LTD buses over the years, but due to the pandemic, annual expenses are now more than the District is making from the advertising program.” 

Lamar Advertising has held the LTD bus advertising contract for several years and has been notifying its clients that advertising aboard LTD buses will no longer be part of its inventory. 

 About Lane Transit District (LTD) 

LTD provides more than 10 million boardings per year on its buses and EmX Bus Rapid Transit line in Lane County, Oregon. Encompassing the Eugene-Springfield metro area, LTD is a special district of the State of Oregon and led by a seven-member board of directors appointed by Oregon’s governor. LTD also operates RideSource, a paratransit service for people with disabilities, and numerous transportation options programs to promote sustainable travel county wide. 
