Eugene Company Hires Tech Expert as its Chief Financial Officer


Submitted by Jennifer Richardson

Eugene, Ore – Avant Assessment hired Michael Woodmansee as its Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Operations. Woodmansee joins Avant with deep experience in accounting and machine learning.

“I really identify with the educational, foreign language learning, and technology aspects of Avant,” Woodmansee said. “In addition to my accounting and technology background, I enjoy the Chinese culture and learning Mandarin Chinese, so I really feel a strong connection to the company.”

Woodmansee comes from Moss Adams LLP, where he developed machine learning models to automate manual accounting processes and increase firm efficiency.

He also acted as a cultural liaison for Chinese businesses working with Unites States businesses and tax law. He studied Mandarin Chinese language and culture and was a Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellow at Brigham Young University. Woodmansee earned his undergraduate degree in accounting and his Master of Accountancy from Brigham Young University.

“Michael is already a great asset to our team,” Avant co-founder and CEO David Bong said. “We are excited to see how his fresh ideas for using technology to improve processes will benefit Avant.”

Woodmansee fills the position of CFO and VP of Operations as long-time Avant VP of Finance and Operations John Haakanson retires. 

About Avant Assessment
Co-founded in 2001 by David and Sheila Bong and Dr. Carl Falsgraf, Avant builds and delivers STAMP, the world’s first online four-skill language proficiency assessment. Avant assesses real-world proficiency by pairing innovative computer adaptive and artificial intelligence technologies with human scoring. Avant’s assessments all align with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Scale. Each assessment is designed to inspire learners to grow and teachers to be more effective. For more information, go to
