Schools’ Preparation for the Upcoming School Year


Our local School District, Universities, and Community Colleges have been working tirelessly to create a plan for reopening and returning to school this fall. See below for a look at updates and resources from each institution as they prepare for the upcoming year and how to balance the education and safety of our children and fellow community members.

University of Oregon

The University of Oregon has made the decision to pivot to a predominantly remote and online instruction for this fall term. The University will be welcoming the incoming freshman class to campus with testing, contact tracing, and quarantine practices in place, as the University feels strongly that each first-year student be given the opportunity to experience life on campus. For the majority of students, classes will be held online with the exception of some labs and studios. The University hopes to be back to predominantly in person learning by January of 2021.

UO COVID-19 Alert Level Dashboard

Bushnell University

It was a day for promise, facemasks, and social distancing when Bushnell University students began on campus classes Monday, Aug. 24.  “It is good to have our students, faculty and staff back on campus,” said Michael Fuller, the University’s vice president for enrollment and student development. “We are ready for COVID-19 and whatever else the semester brings to us.” 

Read Bushnell’s full update here

Springfield School District

“In an effort to give families an idea of what to expect this fall, we have developed a basic outline that provides more details about schedules, by grade level, that will be consistent whether learning happens in-person or remotely. More information about specific cohorts, learning spaces, school safety protocols and other details will be shared in future updates.”

As we continue to move forward with our planning process, we will continue to provide regular updates along the way. In next week’s update, you can expect to see more information regarding the distribution of technology and supplies. 

Return to Learn update: August 20

Lane Community College

Lane Community College is ready to teach a primarily remote set of offerings this fall. Since early March, Lane Community College instructors and staff transitioned instruction and support services to remote and online modes. Both teachers and students continue to hone their teaching and learning skills using the most current technology available. Some programs, however, particularly in career and technical fields like nursing, welding, and advanced manufacturing must provide students with hands-on experience to prepare them for the workforce or licensure. In those circumstances, faculty and administration proposed departmental plans to reopen their department safely. Lane Community College submitted an Institutional Reopening Safely Plan to Lane County Department of Health and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission in compliance with the Governor’s most recent Executive Order and the Oregon Health Authority. Students who are interested in coming to LCC this fall should apply on line and follow all the instructions to prepare them for their fall classes. LCC provides free training to any student on how to be successful in an online environment. Students whose program requires them to come to campus will find clean, spacious walk ways and learning spaces, directional signage, sanitation stations, and everything needed to keep them safe from the spread of COVID.

More information on how to apply
More Information on how LCC is responding to the COVID
More Information on how to apply for financial aid
