New Development in Springfield

Pictured: Weyerhauser Regional Headquarters
Revitalization and new development are both essential for a community’s success; it can generate more jobs, bring desired curb appeal, unite community members, and increase quality of place. Word has traveled around recently about new development plans and proposals here in Springfield, Oregon. While in a normal year, this amount of re-development and new development would already be incredibly exciting for the community, this year especially we see these investments providing more optimism and hope for the future of Springfield.
In this article, we highlight two Springfield development projects currently in the works, as well as an update on the Glenwood Riverfront property. While very different, each project brings new economic growth to our City.
Weyerhaeuser Regional Headquarters on Wildish Glenwood Property
In 2018, the City began a partnership effort with Weyerhaeuser to identify a new regional headquarters in Springfield. After consideration of multiple sites in and outside of Springfield, the company found a partner in Wildish Companies and selected a Wildish owned Glenwood site located along Franklin Blvd-Hwy 225. This is an exciting project in Springfield and along a corridor with multiple opportunity sites for future development.
The project officially broke ground in 2020 and is planned for completion in 2021.
To learn more about the incredible work of Weyerhaeuser and Wildish companies, visit their websites at:
Weyerhaeuser: Timber, Land, and Forest Products
Springfield Blue McKenzie Mixed-Use Development on Springfield Motors Property
During the summer of 2019 the Scherer family, owner/operator of the Downtown Springfield Motors (Buick) Site located at 702 A Street, approached the City to share their upcoming plans for closing of the business. In operation on the site since 1948, the Scherer’s were looking forward to retiring but felt a strong desire to move the property quickly into a future, new, active use that would continue the legacy of the site as a positive and vibrant corner in Downtown. The City worked with the Scherer family to understand their areas of interest and goals and make introductions to Oregon- based developer, Northwest Sustainable Properties (NWSP). The Blue McKenzie partnership has now been formally formed between members of the Scherer family and NWSP, with the name offering a nod to the local community and vision for growth and recovery after a difficult 2020.
The project is conceptually planned to include an 8-story development with ground-floor commercial and residential above and aims for several “firsts” in Springfield. A first cross-laminated timber building, the first multi-family new taxable construction in Downtown, and a first residential multi-family building of this density and height anywhere in Springfield.
The development introduces a new construction type and residential product to the broader Springfield market, setting a new pattern for development and the ability to better realize opportunities on the limited development sites throughout the community.
In April of this year the Springfield Economic Development Agency approved a loan to Blue McKenzie to begin predevelopment of the project, which is planned for completion in 2022/2023.

We know that many are keeping a close eye on the two proposals that have been given to the Springfield Economic Development Agency, for the riverfront site on Glenwood. The Springfield Chamber Government Issues and Economic Development Committees had the pleasure of hosting both the Glenwood Development, LLC and LOCALIS Partners for a look into the two proposals for the city-owned Glenwood riverfront property. If you missed this, and want a look into these proposals, as well as some hard hitting and valuable questions to both presenters, you can view the forum at the link below.
For the most recent information regarding the Glenwood Riverfront Proposals, read the City of Springfield’s press release below:
Springfield Economic Development Agency to Issue Formal Request for Qualifications for the Glenwood Riverfront Area
After extensive deliberation and consideration, the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) Board has identified the need for a transparent and cohesive process to identify and select a development partner for the Glenwood riverfront area.
SEDA is looking forward to issuing a formal Request for Qualifications (RFQ).
“We believe the use of a clearly defined process will benefit all involved, providing for an outline and clarity of the Board’s priorities for how the site might develop and the desired characteristics of an ideal development partner,” said SEDA Board Chair Marilee Woodrow.
A RFQ process will focus primarily on the experiences and qualifications of interested development teams and less on site-specific ideas and images. This allows the Board to identify the best partner and then shape the development jointly.
The Board has also directed this process be initiated as expeditiously as possible with a goal of formal development partner selection prior to the end of calendar year 2021. This topic is tentatively scheduled for discussion during the May 24 SEDA Board meeting.
Glenwood has been, and continues to be, a high-priority investment area for SEDA and the Springfield City Council. With this prioritization, SEDA has participated in the development of three new Glenwood area hotels, the expansion of significant manufacturing and employment sites, the construction of Franklin Boulevard, investments in road design and site recruitment along Franklin Blvd-Hwy 225, the extension of the 14th Street bike path, and riverfront path viaduct, and many other partnerships.
SEDA looks forward to the upcoming RFQ process to continue this pattern of work and select a development partner for the SEDA owned riverfront site.