Lane County Equity and Access Advisory Board Needs You!


Lane County is seeking applications from community members interested in serving on the Lane County Equity and Access Advisory Board. The Advisory Board is made up of a diverse group of people that are working together to make thoughtful recommendations to the Lane County Administrator about affecting institutional and cultural change through equity and access policies and procedures.

Applicants must be committed to:

  • Attending and participating in a monthly advisory board meeting as well as monthly task force meetings;
  • Asking hard questions and working through the process of answering these questions as a group;
  • Ensuring that people and communities who cannot be in the room will be considered in decision making and discussion;
  • Working together and valuing the diverse perspectives and opinions present while tackling difficult and often emotionally charged issues.

If you apply, interview and are selected to serve on the EAB, you will have an opportunity to directly impact county government by making recommendations to administration, including department directors and to change the way that the County does its work while sharing space on the Board with diverse community members that are working together with intention to make our County better for everyone that lives, works, and plays here Details about the Advisory Board and its composition, meeting schedule and the requirements for service follow:


The Advisory Board is interested in having diverse representation that includes people of different racial and/or ethnic backgrounds, identities, abilities, and perspectives who:

  • Bring a connection to, relationship with and advocacy for specific communities;
  • Have a professional background, community leadership, or other relevant experience in equity issues;
  • Know how to impact institutional change in the area of equity, diversity, and inclusion;
  • Have experience across multiple dimensions of diversity.

Advisory Board members must live within the geographical boundaries of Lane County.

Application material is here.
