Springfield Community Conversation Hosted by Lane County Public Health


Lane County Public Health is hosting a community listening session in Springfield about a policy that would include all of lane county businesses and the indoor clean air act. Oregon’s Indoor Clean Air Act (ICAA) protects nearly all Oregonians from the harms of secondhand smoke. The ICAA creates smoke free public places and places of employment with the intent of protecting the health of employees and the public. The outcome they are looking for is getting questions and feedback from the community of Springfield about what kind of impact the policy would have and what kind of readiness and support there is for it. Please see flyer and information below for more details.

Lane County is considering a countrywide indoor clean air policy. We want your input. Join us for a community meeting to learn more and share your opinion. Everyone is welcome, and snacks and beverages will be provided.


WHAT: Community Meeting on Clean Air
WHEN: Monday, November 4th, 2019, 5:30pm – 7:00pm
WHERE: Ribervend Annex-Sacred Heart Foundation, Ranier Room (123 International Way)

For additional information or questions, contact Abbie Lee: Abbie.Lee@co.lane.or.us or call (541) 682-4665.
