Legislative Update: May 30, 2023


We’re monitoring Oregon’s 2023 legislative session for issues of impact and interest to our members. Here’s the latest update from our legislative counsel at the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC).

We head into what appears to be another week of impasse. Going into the Memorial Day weekend, discussions seemed to restart a bit between Democrat and Republican leaders in the Senate.

Although both sides still seem miles apart, we expect there to be continuous chatter around negotiations. If a deal is struck, we will send out a notice as we learn the details.

Ten Republican members of the Oregon Senate now have at least 10 unexcused absences, barring them from serving an additional term after their current term is completed. Though 26 days remain until the legislature is constitutionally required to adjourn, the odds of Senate Republicans returning to the Capitol to finish their business are growing longer by the day.

Regardless of the outcome of any negotiations, the legislature appears to be heading toward shutting down. This week we anticipate the Ways and Means Subcommittees will finish their work, except for the ever-important Ways and Means Subcommittee on Capitol Construction.

We expect much of this week to be getting bills out of the committees and then we anticipate the House to spend time debating bills on the floor, rushing to pass what they can, and waiting to see if the Senate comes back to life. This week, we also expect to learn the details of different budget packages legislators are working on.

In the event that Republican senators do not return and pass a budget, a continuing resolution will allow state government operations to continue until September 15th. A special session is very likely to be called at some point over the summer to, at a minimum, balance the state budget, but may include policy bills as well.

The Springfield Chamber of Commerce will be publishing the OSCC’s legislative updates weekly, or as received. Any opinions expressed or implied are those of OSCC and do not necessarily reflect those of the Springfield Chamber or its representatives. If you’d like more information, please visit our Advocacy & Elections Page.
