Springfield’s Bond Measure Street Improvement Projects Completed Three Years Ahead of Schedule


Springfield’s street repair efforts funded by general obligation (GO) Bond Measure 20-296 have been completed three years ahead of schedule. The final project was completed this past summer. A section of Centennial Boulevard, from Aspen Street to Prescott Lane, received pavement overlay and redesign and reconstruction of sidewalk ramps to meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards. A summary of this project and the previously completed projects funded by GO Bond 20-296 can be found in the 2022 Bond Measure Annual Report now available. 

In November 2018, Springfield voters approved a five-year, $10 million general obligation bond to fund street repairs on a list of priority commercial streets in need of repair. As part of the bond measure, the City committed to providing an annual Bond Measure Report describing project activity that occurred in the previous year. Community members can view the 2022 Annual Report and other related history HERE.

For additional Information, please contact Jeff Paschall, Community Development Director, Development & Public Works, at 541.726.1674 or jpaschall@springfield-or.gov
