City Facilities on a Delayed Start


Springfield City Hall and Springfield Municipal Court will delay opening until 10 am, today, February 14 due to snowy road conditions. The Springfield Public Library will open at 10 am for its normal Tuesday hours. Springfield Municipal Court will conduct its online docket today as scheduled.

The City’s Operations Division has been hard at work very early this morning plowing and sanding priority-one streets. The division has three sanders out, staff out assessing conditions, and the City tree crew on standby. City crews will apply deicer to priority-one streets and hills later today once the snow melts and before freezing conditions that are expected overnight. However, please keep in mind that deicer only works so well, as it becomes diluted as more precipitation falls.

View the City’s snow and ice priorities map HERE.

The City’s first responders including Springfield Police Department, Eugene Springfield Fire and Operations Division staff continue to be in service to the Springfield community.
