New Member Profile: ShelterCare


ShelterCare provides a range of housing programs and services to individuals and families who are experiencing, or on the verge of, homelessness. We recently talked with them to find out more about what they do.

Tell us a little about ShelterCare.
ShelterCare is a local nonprofit working to provide housing and behavioral health services to individuals and families who are experiencing chronic homelessness, newly homeless, or at risk of homelessness. We follow the Housing First model – a research-based best-practice model, which prioritizes providing permanent housing to people experiencing homelessness. Ending their homelessness serves as a platform from which they can pursue personal goals and improve their quality of life. From 2021-2022, we helped 1,813 people in Lane County move forward on their journey toward housing stability and independence. Our programs include Housing Services for Families, Behavioral Health Services, Permanent Supported Housing, and Short Term Housing.

What should the community know about the services ShelterCare provides?
Our housing specialists, peer support specialists, and behavioral health services make our support services unique from other case management providers by pairing our program participants with others with lived experience and housing-specific support. ShelterCare runs the only medical recuperation facility of its kind in the county. It’s a 19-bed facility that provides safe, emergency shelter and meals for people who are experiencing homelessness and have recently been discharged from the hospital after an acute medical episode, yet still require limited care. During their 30-day, post-hospital recuperation, individuals can focus on their health needs while our Peer Wellness Specialists help them create sustainable connections to community resources and medical providers.

Completed in 2021, The Keystone is a 15-unit housing community for chronically homeless families with kids.
ShelterCare provides case management and support services on-site to help families stabilize and remain housed.

Are there any success stories you would like to share?
Check out our latest success story about Krystal, a single mom of two, who recently moved into The Keystone, which houses 15 of the most chronically homeless families with kids in Lane County, after years of homelessness. Read Krystal’s story HERE.

How can the community get involved or help?
Host a Donation Drive. The program participants at ShelterCare fall below the federal poverty line. Many of our participants are low-income or zero-income. Hosting a donation drive is a great way to get your business involved with ShelterCare! We are always in need of the following items: toilet paper, hygiene items, new pillows, bike locks, cleaning supplies, first aid supplies, tents, and cleaning supplies.

Staff at McKenzie-Willamette Medical, who ran a supply drive to collect toiletries and hygiene items for ShelterCare program participants. ShelterCare keeps a free store stocked with items participants may need.

Host a Speaker. Want to learn more about our programs and services? We will send a speaker to your business!

Sponsor an Event. We host a zombie-themed 5k each year called “Run For Your Life.” Sponsorship levels begin at $500 and go up to $3,000. We would love to partner with your business! View a sponsorship packet to learn more.

Volunteer at an Event. On October 22th, 2023 ShelterCare will be hosting its annual “Run for Your Life” zombie-themed 5k! To host this event, we will need a lot of help! Volunteer opportunities include: dressing up as a zombie and hiding along the race course, directing traffic, registering and checking in runners, handing out water along the race, and directing runners throughout the course.

ShelterCare’s annual, zombie-themed “Run for Your Life” 5k fundraiser event.

Serve as a Committee or Board Member. ShelterCare is managed by a volunteer-run board of directors, with one year terms. In addition, there are volunteer committees focused on fundraising, public relations, and human resources. Lend your expertise!

Partner as a landlord. Contact our Property Manager, Amanda, to learn about renting your unit to a ShelterCare client!

Make a Financial Contribution. ShelterCare is able to accept donations of cash, personal checks, stocks, and IRA distributions. Visit the website for more information.

SELCO Community Credit Union funded move-in kits for ShelterCare program participants moving into their new home.
They also put the kits together for participants, complete with everything they will need for their new place.

Meet Dana Petersen-Crabb, ShelterCare’s Director of Housing Services

Where and how did you get started in housing services and programs for the unhoused?
Shortly after I moved to Eugene in 2009, I took a job with ShelterCare working with households needing support with moving into a home or more short-term support needed to maintain their place. The program was funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

What do you like most about your work?
The challenges that naturally occur when setting goals and meeting them. The problem-solving and collaboration that comes from that process are really rewarding.

ShelterCare provides compassionate housing and behavioral health services for individuals and families wanting a safe and stable home in our community. Their vision is to inspire all to achieve their greatest level of independence and resilience. ShelterCare is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
