Legislative Update: February 24, 2025


The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce continues to track legislative developments and action alerts that impact local businesses. With a focus on policies that affect our members, the Chamber shares timely updates from a variety of sources, including the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) and Oregon Business & Industry (OBI).

Liability Waivers: House Bill 3140
This morning, the House Economic Development, Small Business and Trade Committee voted to move this bill on to the House Judiciary Committee. The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce supports this bill, joining OSCC and the Bend, Eugene, and Salem Area Chambers. Backed by sports, recreation, and tourism industries, HB 3140 restores liability waivers for Oregon companies that engage in outdoor sporting, recreation, health and fitness.

Transient Room Tax (TRT) Increase: House Bill 2977
This bill is on the Springfield Chamber’s Policy Agenda to monitor. While no action is being taken at this time, the Springfield Chamber stands with their Springfield and Eugene hospitality, tourism, and recreation partners who view the best and highest use of new lodging tax revenues is that which grows winter and shoulder season demand and regional economic activity. As written, HB 2977 would increase the state’s TRT tax from 1.5% to 2.5% and dedicate the tax increase to the ‘Recovering Oregon’s Wildlife Fund.’ In addition to opposition submitted by local tourism organization Travel Lane County, it is noted that additional visitor groups are weighing in. The bill had it’s first public hearing in the House Agriculture Committee this morning.

Corporate Activities Tax (CAT) Tax Exemptions
OSCC testified to the Senate Finance and Revenue Committee today in support of both Senate Bill 707 (relating to exemption of prescription drug sales) and Senate Bill 125 (relating to exemption of health care receipts), stating “OSCC believes we need to address the remaining industry-specific difficulties with the CAT tax before we are going to credibly have the opportunity to successfully seek an increase in the CAT Tax exemption from $1 million to $5 million.” The Springfield Chamber continues to monitor the development of legislation related to CAT exemptions and supports small business CAT relief with no new negative impact on large businesses. The Springfield Chamber previously activated on small business CAT relief during the 2023 legislative session with a call to support HB 2433 and SB 127.

Your Chamber will continue advocating for policies that support a strong, competitive business environment in Springfield and beyond. Stay tuned for updates in The Bottom Line.

Read OSCC’s full Legislative Update from Monday, February 24, 2025, to learn more about their activity around these and other bills they are watching during the current legislative session.

Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Business Advocacy
The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce is a trusted convener and provider of business resources. They recognize the systemic interdependencies of a healthy economy and provide an ear and a voice for local business at the confluence of government, commerce, and community. They advocate for business by increasing visibility, dialogue, and representation at local, state, and federal policy circles around issues of impact and interest to their members. Learn more about the Chamber’s Business Advocacy work.
