Legislative Update: February 19, 2024

We’re monitoring Oregon’s 2024 legislative session for issues of impact and interest to our members. Here’s the latest update from our legislative counsel at the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC).
We enter the third week of the 2024 legislative session in Oregon. So far, the ’24 session has been largely as advertised. The legislature continues to be centered on Measure 110 reforms (HB 4002) and the Governor’s legislation to increase housing production (SB 1537).
Monday’s Major Deadline
Monday was the first major deadline of the legislative session. All bills needed to be voted out of their initial policy committee or they would be considered “dead” for the session. We take inventory of these bills by end-of-day, and would expect that as many as half of the 300 bills introduced this session are now shelved.
Bills of Interest to Local Business
Every session produces some good wins and some tough losses. 2024 has already given us one of each:
House Bill 4005 – OPPOSE: OSCC issued an ACTION ALERT on HB 4005 last week, and we are pleased to report that the bill is now dead. HB 4005 would have eliminated the Professional Employer Organization (PEO) industry in Oregon by disallowing the “co-employer” model.
PEOs depend on the “co-employer” model so that they can offer small businesses economies of scale when purchasing workers’ comp, health insurance and other benefits products. It gives small businesses the benefits and services of a large employer.
PEOs serve over 3,000 small businesses in Oregon who depend on them to be the administrative employer for purposes of payroll, human resources, labor law compliance, tax compliance, and benefits administration.
OSCC actively opposed HB 4005. The bill is now dead.
House Bill 4050 – SUPPORT: Unfortunately, HB 4050 also died last week. This bill was perhaps the best proactive, pro-business employment bill of the session as it allowed employers to offer hiring and retention bonuses – or other pay differentials – without running afoul of Oregon’s “pay equity” laws.
Unfortunately, the bill ran into union opposition from the teacher’s union and others who opposed the legislation.
This concept will likely not go away anytime soon as employers are desperate for employees. The coalition to pass this bill continues to grow.
The Springfield Chamber of Commerce will be publishing the OSCC’s legislative updates weekly, or as received. Any opinions expressed or implied are those of OSCC and do not necessarily reflect those of the Springfield Chamber or its representatives. If you’d like more information, please visit our Business Advocacy page.