New Member Profile: Rental Owners Association


Meet Tia Politi, President for the Rental Owners Association in Lane County. To welcome them as a new member of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, we recently spoke with Tia to find out more about the organization.

Tell us a little about the Rental Owners Association.
The Rental Owners Association in Lane County (ROA) is a nonprofit association that provides legal forms, the Landlord/Tenant Law Book, the ORHA Forms Manual, educational classes, and telephone Helpline services for landlords, property managers, and brokers. ROA is made up of a board of directors that donates its time to help support landlords, business members, and ROA. I am currently president of both the ROA’s board and Oregon Rental Housing Association’s board.

What services/programs do you offer your members?
In addition to providing legal rental forms, we offer weekly classes – both online and in person – along with monthly general meetings covering essential topics for rental property ownership to help our members learn about, and stay abreast of, landlord-tenant laws and rules in the state of Oregon. ROA is also a Continuing Education Provider for property management through the Oregon Real Estate Agency.

What makes the Rental Owners Association unique?
We are the largest local association under the umbrella of the Oregon Rental Housing Association. With more than 1,200 members in Lane County and across the state, we provide a fully staffed office – something the smaller chapters can’t do. With our amazing staff, we offer more classes, provide a better monthly bulletin, and a top-notch Helpline service to our members. ROA’s membership is almost solely done through word of mouth.

“In addition to providing legal rental forms, we offer weekly classes – both online and in person – along with monthly general meetings to help our members learn about, and stay abreast of, landlord-tenant laws and rules in the state of Oregon.”

– Tia Politi, President, Rental Owners Association in Lane County

What do you like most about doing this work?
We are committed to helping our members achieve financial stability and build generational wealth through rental property ownership.

Do you have any advice for others? 
It’s a business like any other. You must stay abreast of the ever-changing laws, rules and regulations, and Lane ROA can help you do that.

Anything else you’d like to share?
Becoming a landlord can be scary because there’s so much to know, and our mission is to help our members succeed in this business. Our tagline says it best, “Unlocking the door to successful property management.”

The Rental Owners Association in Lane County is a nonprofit organization that educates landlords, property managers and brokers in landlord/tenant law and keeps up-to-date with the latest law changes.
