Applicants sought for Springfield boards, committees, and commissions

The City of Springfield is seeking dedicated community members who want to offer their talents, experience, and perspectives to help make a difference in the Springfield. Community members are needed for a variety of Springfield boards, committees, and commission opportunities. Applications are available by visiting the City’s website.
The Springfield City Council goals include fostering an environment that values diversity and inclusion.
Springfield is a diverse community, and individuals of all ages, ethnic and religious backgrounds, gender, and sexual orientation are encouraged to apply.
The deadline to apply for any of the boards, committees, and commissions is 5 p.m. on Friday,
September 1, 2023. Applicants are asked to complete and submit their application electronically, if
possible, and email it to cmomail@springfield‐ or deliver a hard copy to the City Manager’s Office
located at 225 5th Street, Suite 401, Springfield, Oregon 97477.
Applicants will be interviewed during the months of October and November 2023 by the Springfield City
Council during one of the four Work Sessions scheduled. Dates and times to be announced.
Budget Committee
The City is seeking applications for one open position on the Springfield Budget Committee, and one
open position on the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) Budget Committee.
Applicants are being sought to represent Ward 3 and the SEDA Glenwood district. Please visit to see a Ward map.
Information contact: Loralyn Spiro, 541-726-2233 or 541-285-6205.