Springfield Chamber Backs HB 3205, Supporting Workforce Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Small Businesses


Workforce shortages are a major challenge for Oregon businesses and have only become more pronounced since the pandemic. Retention and recruitment bonuses are one strategy that businesses use to attract and retain employees in every state in the country – except Oregon.

In an effort to support employers during the pandemic, the Oregon legislature temporarily removed hiring and retention bonuses from Oregon’s Equal Pay Act, allowing businesses to pay bonuses in order to address workforce challenges. That exemption expired in September 2022.

HB 3205 would exempt hiring and retention bonuses from the Equal Pay Act, giving Oregon businesses the tools they need to recruit and retain employees and keep local economies strong.

A public hearing on HB 3205 was held in the House Committee on Business and Labor on Monday, March 13th at 8am. Testimony must be received within 48 hours after the start time of the committee meeting at which the public hearing is held. 

TO: Chair Paul Holvey and the House Committee on Business and Labor
RE: HB3205 – Support Workforce Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Small Businesses

Recruitment and retention bonuses are one strategy that businesses can use in every state in the country – except Oregon. By exempting hiring and retention bonuses from the Equal Pay Act, HB 3205 allows small businesses the ability to determine their most effective workforce strategy.

The legislature’s decision during the pandemic to temporarily remove hiring and retention bonuses from Oregon’s Equal Pay Act was a good move. Oregon employers are facing an increasingly competitive fight for talent and, with the exemption’s expiration in September 2022, face more restrictions and fewer tools to support their efforts to recruit and retain workers.

We urge your support of HB 3205 giving Oregon small business employers the flexibility to recruit, hire, and keep the talented and skilled workers here in Oregon.


Vonnie Mikkelsen, President and CEO
Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce


Submit written testimony
Written testimony should be submitted to OLIS through the online Testimony Submission Form. Be sure to select the committee, hearing date and bill you are submitting testimony for. You can use this link to access the form.
