City of Springfield Implements Statewide Mitigation Measures


Following Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s new statewide mitigation measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Oregon, the City of Springfield is limiting in-person meetings and suspending large events.

Social distancing and other preventative measures will continue to be implemented for essential meetings that cannot be postponed.

Immediate event suspensions include the Friends of the Springfield Library Book Sale scheduled for March 13 and 14 at City Hall, and the El día de los niños/El día de los libros—Children’s Day/Book Day celebration on April 25. Additionally, all Springfield Public Library programming is suspended until further notice. Community members may still access the library and its resources. 

Event/meeting information will be kept current on the City’s Calendar and the Library’s Calendar. Future updates will also be provided on the City’s website and social media sites. Community members without internet access may contact the City at 541.726.3700 for event/meeting information.

The City has already implemented a number of health practices to slow the spread of COVID-19 and is working closely with public health officials. The City will continue to follow the guidance of public health officials to help prevent the spread of illness and protect our community’s health. 
