A message about pets and COVID-19

With the news about coronavirus (COVID-19) changing quickly, you may be wondering about the impact on animals and operations at Greenhill Humane Society.
First, I want to let you know that Greenhill is open and we have wonderful dogs, cats and small animals looking for homes. We are increasing efforts to prevent the spread of any illness — directing staff and volunteers to stay home when they are ill, reducing the number of large groups visiting the shelter, and cleaning and sanitizing surfaces regularly.
Many have asked whether pets can get sick from COVID-19 or if they can make us sick. According to the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, there is no evidence that companion animals such as cats and dogs have been infected or could spread the virus that causes COVID-19.
We would like to remind you that you should always have an emergency plan in place for your animals. This includes ensuring pets are wearing proper identification, identifying a friend or family member who can help in case you get sick, and having extra food and supplies on hand.
Greenhill is more than an animal welfare organization. We are providing care and shelter for animals, support and resources for people, and protecting our supporters, staff and volunteers, and we take each of these responsibilities very seriously.
We are monitoring the situation closely and following the advice from public health officials. All of us have a role in mitigating the impact and spread of COVID-19. Without our staff, volunteers and supporters, we cannot help the animals that need us the most. The safety of all involved is our highest priority.
As Greenhill Humane Society continues to be there for the animals and people in this community, we need you to continue to be there for us. This global pandemic is having an impact on our events, volunteers, staff and the economy at the same time we are anticipating a rising need for our services. Our ability to provide critical care to those most vulnerable, regardless of the environment around us, is dependent on your support. We need you now more than ever as we hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Please check our website for updates on hours, information and all of our adoptable animals.
We know that this community needs Greenhill to provide the highest quality care to the animals entrusted to us through normal times as well as the most challenging. We will be here providing that critical care.
Thank you for your continued support.
Cary Lieberman, CAWA
Executive Director