Inventory: The Key to Controlling Cost of Goods


Seminar #2 Hosted by Curtis Restaurant Equipment and Togather Restaurant Consulting

Chamber members Togather Restaurant Consulting and Curtis Restaurant Equipment are holding a series of seminars for restaurant owners and operators. The second seminar is coming up on Monday, November 4th and will cover “The Key to Controlling Cost of Goods”- see below for more details!

– If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it. –

Measuring and controlling your food cost is one of the most effective ways to improve your restaurant’s profitability. Poor inventory management can lead to a loss of potentialsales or an increase in food waste.

How you manage restaurant inventory will affect every other process—from your menu content to the dollars in your bottom line!

Join us to learn about the importance of inventory control, tips on how to control your cost of goods and the benefits of using various inventory systems.

Find out more info HERE.

WHAT: Inventory: The Key to Controlling Cost of Goods
WHERE: 555 Shelly St, Springfield, OR
WHEN: Monday, November 4th, 10:00am – 12:00pm
