The Chamber Community

In this issue of the Bottom Line, we highlight community and our collective efforts to make a difference. I’m a fan of “period” films and TV series. True, I enjoy the escapism. But mostly I enjoy the characterization of historical events, and those who lived them. It can leave me pondering on their sense of “community” and how it was defined by those who lived it, the places they built, and the context – the social and technological tools – they accessed or chose to advance.
It’s safe to say that throughout the ages, people have sought to find their place in community, where individual and collective interests can grow and thrive. In fact, in the absence of some form of community, the total human experience ceases to exist. In all its complexities, community is the necessary foundation for progress, for innovation, for survival, for enlightenment, and for the pursuit of happiness.
I like to use the term “Chamber community” as it reflects the essence of who we are as an organization – a community of individuals, leaders, and influencers – who share a common interest and commitment in pursuit of progress.

A White Paper published in 2015 by the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives – Horizon Initiative: Chambers 2025* – set forth a framework to understand socio-economic and political mega trends shaping the next decade for Chambers of Commerce. Factors not unlike those impacting our businesses and our community leaders: Communication and Technology; Scarcity and Abundance of resources; Global Impacts; Population Shift; Political and Social Fragmentation; Resource Alignment, Public Sector Engagement; Catalytic Leadership; and, you guessed it, the Nature of Belonging and Gathering.
In anticipation of these, the Springfield Chamber board and I have worked for the last four and half years to embrace these trends by building our collective competencies to position our Chamber community as strong, reliable and credible partners in business, and in community impact.
Five years ago, we may not have felt the ground-level impact of a narrative driven by political and social fragmentation, but today…well, here we are. Five years ago, we were told that Chambers of Commerce risked losing ground with “next gen thinkers”, millennials, non-joiners, and social media savvy connectors. Today we are finding that not to be the case, but our priorities and focus need reflect those of a multi-generational community still seeking a place to gather, a community within which to thrive. And this is at the core of what Chambers do best – convene, gather, and lead a diverse community of influencers, problem-solve around collective knowledge, and catalyze positive change and progress.
Here’s where I get painfully honest with members of today’s Chamber of Commerce. If you view the Chamber’s primary role to send you “x” number of customers per “x” amount of dues, you’re missing the whole point of belonging to the Chamber. If you are looking for a way to be a part of a highly impactful and influential community, of something bigger than yourself, to make a difference in not only your bottom line but that of your community; well, that’s when you call your Chamber and say, “Yes, I’m in.” Fortunately, we are growing our membership base from those of the latter frame of mind and are stronger than ever because of it. Thank you.
For a thought-provoking read and a deeper dive into the eight influences shaping our community and our chamber, I recommend this piece studied in Chamber boards and leadership circles across the country: