Habitat for Humanity Groundbreaking Ceremony


On Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019, Habitat for Humanity held a Groundbreaking ceremony for their newest development, Fischer Village. This is the largest development Habitat for Humanity of Central Lane has ever taken on and will have 12 new homes when finished. The homes will be arranged as 6 tandem houses with half of the homes being accessed on Q Street and half accessed on R Street. Four future homeowners have been selected and are working on their sweat equity requirements. Habitat will open applications for additional homeowners once we are further along in building for the first four.

Habitat for Humanity of Central Lane has built 37 houses in Springfield. Once Fischer Village is done, we will have built 49. We rely extensively on donations and volunteer hours from our community to build these houses and are incredibly grateful for the support that we’ve received throughout the years. Although volunteer labour and donated materials help us keep our costs down, we bear most of the same costs as other developers. We also appreciate the City of Springfield, which has worked with us every step of the way to prepare the land for the development. 

Habitat allows individuals and families who are working hard but who have been priced out of the market to achieve the American dream of homeownership. Habitat homeowners complete hundreds of hours of volunteer sweat equity requirements, and then pay a modest mortgage on their house –it isn’t a free home by any means, but it is affordable.  This is important for their future stability as homeownership remains one of the main ways that most Americans build wealth. 

Homes for modest wage workers are important for economic development as they allow workers to stay and work in communities where they are needed. Thank you to the many local organizations who have already gotten involved with Habitat. We encourage the Springfield community to continue to support this project through volunteering, donations, etc.

About Habitat for Humanity of Central Lane
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Our vision is to create a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
Habitat welcomes supporters from all backgrounds and serves people in need of decent housing regardless of race or religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or political views. As a matter of policy, Habitat for Humanity affiliates do not proselytize. Habitat will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must either adhere to or convert to a particular faith, or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
