Calling all artists! Springfield seeks painters for the 7th UpStream Art mural project

Between now and June 15, the City of Springfield’s Stormwater Team is looking for artists of all ages and from anywhere in Oregon to apply for this summer’s mural-painting project, UpStream Art.
“This project is perfect for artists who love to paint and who care about protecting the environment,” said project lead and Environmental Services Technician, Peter Jaeger. Five artists will be selected to participate and compensated $1,000 each for painting murals around storm drains on A Street in downtown Springfield. Artists will paint their murals July 28-29 and the public will be invited to watch.
One of the biggest threats to the Willamette and McKenzie Rivers is pollution from urban runoff. The murals are a simple, yet important, reminder that the storm drains across the City create a direct connection from Springfield’s streets to our local waterways. As rain washes over hard surfaces such as roofs, parking lots, and roads, it collects contaminants including vehicle fluids, herbicides, pesticides, bacteria from animal waste, organic debris, and litter which then release directly into local rivers and streams completely untreated.
“These pollutants flow into storm drains and out to our rivers, where they have the potential to harm water quality and the natural resources, we all enjoy,” said Jaeger. “The goal for UpStream Art is to educate and inspire community members to do their part in preventing pollutants from entering storm drains and ultimately the McKenzie or Willamette Rivers.”
Because Springfield is located upstream from Eugene and many other cities that share the rivers, UpStream Art can be considered beneficial to people and wildlife living along the Willamette Valley. The UpStream Art Artist Application along with a link to the Virtual Tour can be found at
The UpStream Art mural painting project seeks five Oregon painters for an installation to occur this summer.
The City of Springfield’s Stormwater Team seeks painters of all ages that live in Oregon.
Artist applications due June 15, 2022. Murals will be painted in downtown Springfield on July 28-29, 2022.
The UpStream Art Artist Application along with a link to the Virtual Tour can be found at
Project Information:
UpStream Art Virtual Tour:
Additional Information: Peter Jaeger, stormwater specialist, 541.726.3693 or
Every summer since 2016, the City of Springfield has commissioned artists to use their creativity to decorate storm drains and walkways with beneficial water quality messages. Currently there are 31 UpStream Art murals located in and around downtown Springfield and near Agnes Stewart Middle School.