Lane Workforce Partnership Awarded State of Oregon Prosperity 10,000 Program – Investing in Private Sector Businesses

Lane Workforce Partnership (LWP) was awarded $1.2 million in funding from the State of Oregon Prosperity 10,000 Program, a component of the Future Ready Oregon Program.
A “comprehensive package”, Future Ready Oregon 2022 is designed to invest in education, training, and resources to give people good-paying careers. Created in-conjunction with the Governor’s Racial Justice Council, the package has a component focused on supporting the needs of priority populations including adult learners, communities of color, people with disabilities, women, disconnected youth, veterans and low-income Oregonians.
Future Ready Oregon was created to grasp the full potential of Oregon’s workforce, to meet the needs of today and years to come. Kelly Kupack, Executive Director of Oregon Tradeswomen said, “Future Ready Oregon is a blueprint for the change Oregon needs. Together, we now have an opportunity to collectively build an inclusive, just economy in Oregon that works for everyone – so that all workers can support themselves and their families.”
Direct funding is provided by Future Ready Oregon to workforce boards to invest in targeted sectors. In Lane County those include: Technology, Food and Beverage Manufacturing, Construction/Aggregate, Transportation, Wood Products, Healthcare, Creatives, Advanced Manufacturing and Bio-Science.
The Oregon Prosperity 10,000 program is designed to invest in Lane County’s private sector businesses and human capital. This is in direct response to industry demands to eliminate barriers, and upskill and retrain employees. LWP is making strategic and targeted investments with two applications:
- Customized Training Solutions for Lane County Businesses
Customized Training Solutions will support workforce development needs of businesses through skills training for new or incumbent employees.
- Industry-wide Employer Training
Industry-wide Employer Training is designed to provide a resource for the employer to provide and/or facilitate the provision of trainings to support targeted engagement efforts leading to the recruitment and retention of a highly-skilled workforce
The State of Oregon Prosperity 10,000 Program initial application review process begins September 1, 2022 with planned start dates of October 1, 2022. All project work must be completed by June 30, 2023. The applications are attached to this email as well as being located here.
About Lane Workforce Partnership
Lane Workforce Partnership, the designated local Workforce investment Board for Lane County, Oregon, funds and delivers programs that empower job seekers to meet the current and future workforce needs of employers in Lane County. Programs and services are delivered through a network of local partners including employers, labor groups, government, community colleges, high schools, community-based organizations, and economic development. Lane Workforce Partnership is one of nine workforce boards statewide.