New Glenwood Exhibit Shares Highlights from 131 Years of History

*Image from Springfield History Museum’s website here.

Glenwood Untold, a new temporary exhibit on display at the Springfield History Museum January 15, 2022, through June 24, 2022. Curator Maddi McGraw recommends visitors “leave what you think you know about Glenwood at the door.”

Glenwood might only be one square mile in size, but there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. In the past 131 years, Glenwood has undergone many changes. Much of Glenwood’s structural history has been lost due to floods, fires, and decay. However, the photographs, archives, and artifacts in this exhibit show that Glenwood’s history and memories remain. The archives of Springfield Council President Steve Moe’s family as well as photographs and artifacts from the Lane County History Museum collections are featured in this exhibit.

The exhibit will be installed in the Kathleen Jensen Gallery. Guests are encouraged to also view ILLUMINATION, a special exhibit on display in the 6th Street facing windows, as well as the newly renovated permanent gallery of Springfield History.

Due to rising COVID cases locally, the opening reception will be postponed until further notice.

Current Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturdays. As always, admission is free!

For more information, visit, find us on Facebook and Instagram, or call 541.726.2300.

  • What: Glenwood Untold exhibit at Springfield History Museum
  • When: January 14-June 24, 2022
  • Where:  Springfield History Museum, 590 Main Street, Springfield, OR
  • Additional Information: Maddi McGraw, 541.726.3677 or 